Water change question


I do fresh water top offs when necessary so I haven't actually "changed" the water. Do I need to actually take water out of the tank and add new water or are the top-off's enough? Thanks!


this is a debatable subject however....in my opinion i would reccomend doing regular (weekly, bi weekly, monthy) water changes where you remove some water (no more than %40) and replace it with new saltwater.
this will benefit all of you tank livestock. in my opinion.


Active Member
I do biweekly @ 10%
I do this amount because it doesnt seem to traumatize any animals and while cleaning/adding new salt/minerals/etc to the tank it doesnt runt he chance of shocking anyone. 40% would be a pretty drastic change and unless ur very confident in your skills to match salinity and temp I would be very cautious.

bang guy

In my experience it works best if you really mix the salt in good as you're pouring the salt into the water bucket. Then mix & aerate for at least 24 hours before actually using the water.