slowest is fastest
Just to clarify...
The only tank I do not do water changes in is the 29 gallon. In all my other tanks I do them and nitrates are undectectable.
but he did admit that it could be done.
Yes it could be done by why?? Bottom line is your tank will be healthier with water changes.
Yes it can be done but ReefNut got my point...WHY?
But scooping out water and then pouring in new while your fish duck for cover in the blowing wind is not necessarily what I'd call a peaceful day.
Storms in the ocean cause far more damage and stress than any partial water change could.
I think you may be taking this discussion to personally. It is nice to be passionate about a postion but keep an open mind. We all have things to learn and share thats why we are here. I think water changes are very benificial. To keep a tank without them is possible but not IMO optimal. Your tank your decision.
The only tank I do not do water changes in is the 29 gallon. In all my other tanks I do them and nitrates are undectectable.
but he did admit that it could be done.
Yes it could be done by why?? Bottom line is your tank will be healthier with water changes.
Yes it can be done but ReefNut got my point...WHY?
But scooping out water and then pouring in new while your fish duck for cover in the blowing wind is not necessarily what I'd call a peaceful day.
Storms in the ocean cause far more damage and stress than any partial water change could.
I think you may be taking this discussion to personally. It is nice to be passionate about a postion but keep an open mind. We all have things to learn and share thats why we are here. I think water changes are very benificial. To keep a tank without them is possible but not IMO optimal. Your tank your decision.