water chemistry....


I just ran some water test and results are below..I just added a refugum to the tank...100 gal reef...30gal sump...20gal refugum...preditor skimmer.. I know I need to pring the calcium up about 250 more. My question is when is the best time to add and what else do I need to do? Also what will the low calcium cause? Out of the alkalinty test.. will go and get it tested later today...and try to get new kit... tank looks good other than some hair algae I have been cleaning up...Also bought couple of tangs last week and they lasted less than 24 hrs. Other fish doing ok. did a slow drip to the new fish before adding them so there should have been no shock. bought couple of other fish also including butterfly and wrassle they are doing ok.
salinity 1.02
ph 8.2
calcium 135
phosphate 0
ammonia 0
nitrate 7
nitrite 0-.25

bang guy

I would suggest getting a second opinion on the Calcium test. I suppose it's possible, but 135 is below what I would consider to be a reasonable result. What test kit did you use?


No one said I was a typing or spelling wonder.
nitrite is 0 to .25 not a neg did not think that was real hard to understand. I did use the chart in the test kit wrong though and the calcium is around 425. As for the salinity I should have said specific gravity and it is 1.022. Had everything recheck at the lfs and later looks right on the money.Purchased a new hammer and leather and now in the process of doing a drip on them. Thanks terry

bang guy

Hey Terry,
I'm really happy you rechecked your Calcium. It would have been a shame to do something drastic when everything was already hunky-dorey.
Glad all is well!