Water Temp Changes


Hi, I have a fairly new 24g jbj nano cube with 50/50 compact flourecent lighting with cooling fans that is running great. Ok, so at night my water goes down to 78.5F degrees then during the day when I turn on my lights the temp will eventually go up to a max of 81F. Is this safe for my fish? How could I keep the temp more regular? Should I even change anything?
24 gallon jbj nano cube /rear 3 stage filter/ 290gph
36lb live aragonite sand
10lbs of live rock
2x36watt 50/50 10,000k/actinic lighting with led moon lights
100watt Hydor submersible heater / in rear
Coral Life digital temp sensor / in rear
2 x False Percula Clownfish 3/4inch
2 x Domino Damsels 3/4inch
2 x Small Hermit Crabs 1/2inch
Link to tank site


81 degrees is not too high. It would be better if it was 81 24/7 and you didn't have the drop at night. Bring your heater up a little at the time and see if it stabilizes. Your ranges are not to much out ol line. Everyone will tell you something different. Mine runs about 81-82 all the time.


Active Member
I run 78 all the time; installed a chiller to keep the temp down due to my halides. He's right, swings are more trouble than anything, maybe keep your tank around 80?