water temp of tank?


I have just ordered snails for my FO tank and would like to know the best water temperature for the fish and snails?


Active Member
I prefer to keep the temp higher in my tanks. I usually keep the temp about 82. Most of the reefs that I've dove the water temp has been anywhere from 78-84.


I also like the higher temps. Mine I keep at 81 F. For my reef but fish only ,this high temp will make there motabolisom very high so they must feed more often, also does not hold as much oxegen. It has been shown that corals can handle higher fluxuations of temp if they are kept in the 80s as aposed to the 70s. My fish only tanks are at 72 t078 depending on species.


My tanks tend to run higher also (82-84) I don't know if anyone else can back me on this, but it has been my observation over the years that consistancy of the temp is more important than the temp itself...within reason of course.:D


I had a near death exp. the other night. My 20 gallon qt tank jumped from 79 to 83. My blue hippo turned into a white hippo tang. It was breathing hard, so I fired up the A/C and added some Ice cubes. Nothing drastic, but brought it back down to 79 in about 2 hours. The hippo's fine now. :D