Water temp, what's yours?


What is your temp? If you have one fish that likes colder water, and one that likes warmer, do you keep the temp right in the middle? Does anyone think a slightly higher temp helps ward off disease? Anyone have a "problem range" in temps? SOme say to keep it at 78 degrees, some say 82 degrees. Someone else said that ick lives in water between 80 and 82 degrees. Any truth in this? I have kept my temp about 84/85, and haven't had ick since. When I had it at 82, I had it twice.


Active Member
I used to keep mine at 78f and now for a year I keep it at 80f so the chiller doesnt work so hard and for 3.5 years no ick and I have tangs :)


I have a lion, yellow tang, striped damsel, humu trigger and a panther grouper. What do you say is the best temp for all those guys?

sinner's girl

78 in winter, 80-82 in summer. (heater keeps temp at 78, I run the ac and a fan to keep the tank at 80-82).


Active Member
Natural reef temperatures are roughly 79 on the lowest side up to 85 or so. So somewhere in that range and basically stable is what I would aim for


82 always. Never had ick.
I think temp stability is as important as temp. I didn't purchase my first coral until I knew my temp was stable.


I had a nice heater from Ebo-Jager that was 200 watt, and it kept my tank perfectly at whatever I set it at. One day, it just stopped working. No cracks, nothing wrong with it. I bought another heater, Hagen "Radiant" 200 watt, and it is one of those knob kind that you have to turn it way up, get it to the temp you want, and then turn the knob slightly until the light goes off, and it's supposed to keep the temp right there. The package even says "maintains aquarium temperature acurately". BULLSHOOT! I am constantly fiddling with the thing, I get it perfect for two days, then one day I look at the temp, and it's way high, even if the outside temp hasn't changed. I need to find out if I can return my Ebo Jager heater, but I don't have the packaging or anything, so I don't know where to call to find out if I can. I cannot find their number anywhere. Anyone have one of these?


Originally Posted by drea
i'm at 78, guess i'll bump to 80, if this would help w/ ick

I have always been at 78-80 - usually at 78 with no problems


Active Member
80 is what it typically stays at.. Ick once, but MY BAD introduced it to the tank from a new specimen stress I believe.
My tank is in the basement and the heaters do come on a lot at night. BTW where my wife says it should be.
However, I have had a heater actually not turn off.. killed everything, at that time it was a FO tank. I don't even recall the make are model now. It's been years ago. It was an all green glass sub with w/yellow slotted rotary thermostat.


I am currently strugling with temps at the moment. I have my doors to the tank wide open. And I don't have a heater. With the doors shut. I see about 93-95 degree temps. with the doors open and the lights on I see 86-87 degree temps. ICK is not a problem at all. I have a tang, 6 line, yellow goby, GSM, 5 yellow tail damsles. I do run a UV though.... The tank has been up for about 2 years.


Active Member
81 and stable. I have ran the tank anywhere from 78 up to 84 and found little difference, except I did notice corals appeared to grow slower at the higher temp, and the xenia was doing a full retreat.


Mine stays at 82....it's a newer tank but no ich. Is my tank ok at 82, I am seriously considering a chiller... :notsure: