Funny I should come across this thread just now.
My tank has been consistently between 78 and 80 degrees. This past weekend, we had a very large heat wave, and we were going to be gone for all of Saturday. Someone (ahem) decided that there's too much water in the tank for the outside temperature to matter so much, so HE turned the AC off before we left. I tried to argue my point, but, well, you know how that goes sometimes.
When we got back home, the temp in the tank was at 86
, yeah, I was just a little miffed. I turned the lights out and did the floating ice cubes in a zip lock bag, turned a fan on the tank, etc. Slowly, very slowly the temp came down to normal (now at 80).
Since this all happened though, my mushrooms are looking pretty sorry. Or could that be because of the higher wattage lights? I would like to know if it would be okay for me to place my 'shrooms lower in the tank to see if maybe they preferred the lower lighting. That would certainly be okay with me, because that would open up a nice spot for higher lighting corals. Any comments welcome...
Lisa :happyfish