My 2 gal pico stays between 79/80.....My in process 16 gal AGA bowfront w/heater in fuge, has been keeping a constant79.5
79.6 degree temp now for 3 days during my wet testing and tuneing....I have a 1x96 quad, over the tank, which has 2, 40mm cooling fans, and I also installed a wrap around hood to raise and suport light itself since the standoff legs for the coral life will not work on my bowfront, since it has to be a bit off the front corners due to a AC110 fuge and CSS65 protein skimmer. I installed 2 additional 40 mm fans in the once end of the wrap around light support (3" tall, made of acrylic on front and sides, open in the back)with one of them coming on when the 1x96 lightcomes on, and the other is switched independantly, but both are powered from a variablke output wal wart. I found through playing around with different speeds on the fans by varying the output of the wal wart, and running both together I can maintain a pretty consistent temperature....I had prevously had two different fans mounted of 40mm, which had a thickness of approx 7/16" and had many blades, but they did not supply sufficient flow at low speeds, and at high speed were extremely noisey.....I now have two 40mm fans with 5 blades on them, and they are 5/8" thick, move twice as much air at a lower speed and are super quiet......All fans are not created equal is another thing I found out.