We need some macro algae for Seahorses


Well-Known Member

I am in the market for some BOTRYOCLADIA SP ( also called red grape) You are selling the seahorses FASNTASTIC!!! Now we need some good macros for our horses. I personally don't care for all the green. So I don't want caulerpa.
This is some pretty red stuff just perfect for seahorses. I would rather buy from you than go anywhere else. I bet I'm not alone on wanting this stuff.


Well-Known Member


Staff member
We'll look into it. In the meantime, checkout the new line up from Algagen including some great new live products for seahorses.


Well-Known Member

The red you have takes very bright lights. Most of us don't have bright lights on a SH tank, well I don't anyway. I sure hope you can get the stuff I'm looking for. BOTRYOCLADIA SP = low light, likes the cooler temps, and grows slow.