Weekend photo feature:



Originally Posted by NM reef
Out of boredom and hopefully to tempt more of y'all to post some of your fish photos I'll toss out a few more of mine.....starting with a couple of my manderian....aka Jimi....

NM reef those are beatiful pictures. I think that is one of my favorite fish! My friend had one and i always watched it i thought they were so cool.


Originally Posted by NM reef
In response to the comment about my clams.....check this photo out.....for perspective....the foxface is about 6"-7"....
those are so pretty


ok so i think i have to say mine is the ugliest out of all the pictures everyones are so beautiful
my fish moved a lot
and my shrimp likes the camera



Active Member
NM Reef--I have been meaning to start a thread asking for a "sticky" of the moderators tanks. I know you guys are on pluto when it comes to the learning curve, and it's nice to see what can be accomplished. I think it would be cool to have a place where you guys can place pics of your tanks, at will, and we can visit from time-to-time. I don't know how many moderators there are here, but it would be cool to have one link on this site dedicated to your systems.
Foxface: that second photo you posted is the best I have seen. There are a lot of things which keep me in this hobby, and one of them is in time to be able to have a large enough system to keep a foxface! I just love those guys.
So here's my contribution....slightly out of focus, but half the point with clowns.....however, taken about three days after I realized my ocellaris started taking up residence in my frogspawn.


New Member
Very nice pictures. Good job and gorgeous fish. I was wondering my blue
tang has white around his eyes is that normal? It doesn't look diseased
though. I was wondering if maybe there were different varieties and that's
just a normal look. Thanks for sharing I'll try to take some pics.


Ok here goes-the second picture is my bird nose wrasse in his favorite resting spot! Powder brown is the king of my tank!



Originally Posted by NM reef
Wow....another photo I had forgotten about.....yet another view of my bi-color in his hole.....
Love these little guys!!!


You all have some good looking fish. Here's my VERY new little buddy which is in QT. Sorry for the awful pic... best i can do with a cell and the light from the display only...



More of my babies! This is my beautiful coris wrasse-thats sand on her face-she hides in the sand whenever she feels afraid-and my yellow tang ""queen" of my tank :cheer:
