Weekend photo feature:

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
Heres one of my lion I had a couple of years back!
very nice lion...and sad to hear about you havin' to give up the hippo.
i have a client that wants me to add a volitan lion to his 240 display....maybe in the not too distant future I'll have some lion pics to share.


NM, your reflection shots...what makes them cool to me IMO isn't the reflection. I used to sit and watch my fish from the side of the tank more than in front (or at least the same amount of time) because of the feeling of depth in the tank. Seeing your fish coming to you from that far away just seems cool, giving more of the open ocean look I guess.
Then again, the reflections are pretty cool too maybe adding to that effect?
That is one reason I love to see Steveweast's tank pics, that 8' distance you have to stare into to see fish moving through his coral chasm...simply neat. I wish that I had that kind of space and funding to do something like that!
Oh, and that close up of your hippo...stunning!


Not very good pics but....
My newest member to the tribe, love the purple tangs.
Also love my Copperband, was skeptical about getting one but now is one of my favorite fMy Red Sea Mimic Blenny, always perched somewhere mostly on my monti caps.



These are beautiful pictures of everyone's fish's.
Try as I might, the fish always come in big blur's for me!
They don't quit moving! LOL!!!
:thinking: :happyfish


Active Member
Great photos everyone! Thanks for sharing. I promise I will post some tomarrow (I'm at work now) the one's I have everyone has probably already seen!! (my problem is I keep forgetting how to reduce the photo size to be able to post them...my camera is 8 megapixels and I never read directions like I should!!!)


Active Member
Sorry all...I was at work and could not send pics...Plus you have already seen the one's I have...so I came home and shot some new ones...More wellfish....



Active Member
This is so much fun I had to add some more before I forget how to shrink these pics to the right size:



Active Member
Well...Wellfish... except for my two sea stars got a bit messed up from too high of calcium...got that under control now thanks to Ophiura

rabid frog

Active Member
a little late and not the best pic (glass was dirty) but here is one of my favorite fish I have. He is a Red Sea Sohol Tang :jumping:

ledzep fan

Active Member
I have some questions for sleasia. Does your chocalate chip star attack sleeping fish? What fish do you have with hit? Does it attack any fish? :notsure: Also does any fish pick on them?
LedZep fan


Active Member
ledzep...my chocolate chip has never eaten any fish...it might have eaten my two flame scallops. I thought it was my blue face angel that ate them, but Ophiura said the chocolate chip stars can eat them so may be it did? I'm not sure. But it has never eaten any fish, shrimp, or hermit crabs that I know of.....They are real sensitive to salinity change so you have to keep it stable, also my calcium crept up to 600 once and the faded spots on the "chips" are the consequence of that I beleive.


Active Member
The only fish which I have which might "Pick on them is my tiny spotted puffer. He is only 2 inches. If I keep him well fed, he leaves the stars and the hermits alone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia
Nice tank pics fedukeford!
thanks!! i wish i could get a better camera cuz mine is REALLY bad