Weekend photo feature:

nm reef

Active Member
this is the only photo I have of a kole tang I kept several years ago....it was one of my origional fish and I still miss him........
I'm really glad I have a decent photo to look back at.


Thanks NM, truly a compliment coming from you!!
So here is another for you. A beautiful Golden Puffer I had quite some time ago, but he sure was full of personality!

nm reef

Active Member
here is a decent group shot from back in the day when the flame and unicorn were healthy and livin'......

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Nmocean
Thanks NM, truly a compliment coming from you!!
So here is another for you. A beautiful Golden Puffer I had quite some time ago, but he sure was full of personality!
I like him....looks evil and cute at the same time.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
Clown and gramma!!
there ya go....I knew folks would start postin' their own pics if I pestered y'all enough!!!! Thanks for contributing usinkit....very nice.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
My newest addition flasher wrasse!!
Very nice!!!!!! I've been considering one myself....beautiful speciman.

nm reef

Active Member
The more I look thru my files the more stuff I find......this one shows my hippo tryin' to avoid the camera......

nm reef

Active Member
Wow....another photo I had forgotten about.....yet another view of my bi-color in his hole.....

nm reef

Active Member
Nice watchman...and maybe the lawnmower went carpet surfin;....they are know to be jumpers. I had one that decided to go carpet surfin' while we were away for the weekend.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
Older picture of my clown!!
Now thats a nice photo....dead on coloration!!!

nm reef

Active Member
ok....last one for me....I've posted enough.......I want to see y'alls fish photos...........

nm reef

Active Member
Hopefully I've tempted some of y'all to share yours.......sooooooooooooooooooooo....lets see 'em.


I think the lawnmower just ran out of food. He wouldnt take to and algae sheets. He was starting to get very thin and I think my coral banded got to him!!
Heres a hippo I got rid of when i downsized from my 90 to a 40. I really loved this fish and would have to say its my favorite.