weekend photo feature:


Active Member
aveda6 :notsure: sorry I didn't know it was a cucumber...cool! but aren't cucumbers poisonous, or have the potential of emitting poisons when stressed?


heres a much better picture of my prange spotted blen blen
haha just snapped it before the lights turned off



Great shots everyone! NM Reef I don't know if know this but the rebel xt has 1.6x crop factor , so what this is going to do is make you wide angle lense 28-135mm into a 45-216mm lense and 45mm isn't to wide. The crop factor can be an advantage for telephoto lenses but as you can see a disadvantage for wide angle lenses. If your set on getting this lense you should definitely try it first to make sure it wide enough.
Ok, my photo is of my foxface, I know one has already been posted but this is a different angle. I wanted to capture the detail around his face. I used a Canon Digital Rebel with a 17-40 L lense f 5.6, 1/50 sec. I use Manual mode, I shoot in RAW, used a tripod, and photoshop 7 and RawShooter essentials. Any questions i'd be happy to answer.


Active Member
A few more...
Same camera and lighting conditions as my other pics, on the first page. The settings were different though, but I forgot to write them down.


nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
just made my first additions to my tank. here are two pics that i just snapped with my sony cybershot dsc-w1. hopefully my shrimp will come out and play along with my emeralds.....
Really nice shots....but where are the fish?????
Just joking.......nice contributions.

nm reef

Active Member
Everybody posted some very nice shots....thanks to all that participated. Next weekend I'll pick another topic to focus on and we'll try again to stay more focused on the topic at hand and discussion about those particular shots.So 'till next weekend.....happy shooting........


Nothing to special here just a pic of my sohal swimmin. Picture was take with a Konica Minolta Dimage Z10. Picture was taken hand held pic as is.


I know it's Monday evening, and I know I'm posting more than one pic, but I used some of NMReef's pointers (thanks by the way
) and I'm kind of excited with the results. I used a Konica/Minolta DiMage Z5, no flash, automatic setting. These are pics from my 30 cube, and my husband's 55 gallon.



Active Member
Mola Mola...who cares if its Monday...great job on these shots. I especially love the....well, I guess I don't know what it is, the last one ***)


Originally Posted by rabid frog
Lol wow... I was just giving you a hard time Nm... Its always fun to see everyones pictures :jumping: I remember when Rye was on here... What a good photographer! What ever happened to him?
Lets see some fish!! Since nobody else is posting here is one of my favorites.
Same camera as before and software. This is my Flame hawk getting a taste test of the Shrimp. ( he did eventually eat him. took about 6 months for he to plot the murder.)

I love that picture. I have a flame hawk just like that. It's adorable.
I even named it after my crazy friend lol. I am working on getting good
pictures. I have some wonderful purple live rock and have finally got
my tank looking gorgeous. It's a 75 Gallon. I am a photographer but normally
do black and white and I'm learning now how to photograph fish
through glass. It's not always easy. Great pics and I think it's neat to look
at other tanks and fish without getting jealous. It's a learning lesson for
everyone. Thanks for sharing


Originally Posted by AW2
A few more...
Same camera and lighting conditions as my other pics, on the first page. The settings were different though, but I forgot to write them down.

what lens dod you use and lighting. That is really cool. :jumping:


Originally Posted by sleasia
sorry I keep mistakenly reducing twice...again
is that a cardinal? I was gonna get a couple . It's gorgeous.


I'll Play.
All take with Canon PowerShot A520 I belive, or an older similar model. I don't edit as i don't have photoshop : (. Tell me what you think....


Flame Hawk

and my first "good" picture I ever took with the camera...