Weird, egg sac looking thing...


New Member
Does anyone know what this might be? It is soft looking and transparent towards the bottom where it is attached to sand. It kinda moves with water flow. Tank is 30 gallons and new (4 months) and is fish free at the moment.. We do have hermits, turbo and nassarius snails, a brittle starfish, emerald crab and one anemone. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


Well-Known Member

Looks like a pineapple sponge to me...if I'm right it is a harmless filter feeder, and won't get much bigger.


I have literally hundreds of them. Is there such a thing as too many? I feed alot to my sun coral and gorgonians which worries me in such a small tank so I added the sea rods and sea fans to clean up my excess. So far, my levels are very stable. I wonder if the pineapples are playing a part in that.
It's so funny I found the other thread about the pineapple sponges, they were collecting around my powerheads and I thought they were molding food scraps, lol. I was scraping those suckers off left and right!


Moderator can't have too many...that I know of...LOL
Hey Kenzerloo......if I was you I would be more worried about all the other algae going on in there
do you have a bigger pic of the tank???


New Member
yeah, I have some brown algae growing. It seems to come and go, and in that particular spot it's pretty bad, but my clean up crew do a pretty good job. So as far as the pineapple sponge, or whatever it was, it has now "popped" and detached, and was floating around my tank looking like a slimy egg white thing! Yuck, but I scooped it out and everything seems to be fine now. I was getting ready to add some fish back in-- no fish for about 4 weeks now due to bacteria problems... I am hoping this sponge indecent is truly harmless! Thanks for your responses and I'd welcome any other advice!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by kenzerloo
yeah, I have some brown algae growing. It seems to come and go, and in that particular spot it's pretty bad, but my clean up crew do a pretty good job. So as far as the pineapple sponge, or whatever it was, it has now "popped" and detached, and was floating around my tank looking like a slimy egg white thing! Yuck, but I scooped it out and everything seems to be fine now. I was getting ready to add some fish back in-- no fish for about 4 weeks now due to bacteria problems... I am hoping this sponge indecent is truly harmless! Thanks for your responses and I'd welcome any other advice!

What kind of fish are you dreaming about to restock the tank?


New Member
ahh, well thats a tough one for me. We've lost quite a few-- nothing fancy, just damsels, clowns, ect. Starter fish... I will probably go with those types of fish again and see if our bacteria/disease problem has resolved itself. Any suggestions? =)