Weird Little sack


New Member
My son and I noticed a new addition and not sure what it is. We have looked evrywhere and still no idea. It looks like a clear sack with hundreds of tiny little white balls(eggs?). Does anyone know what this is?
Thanks so much


What do you have in your tank? If you can't get a picture, maybe we can figure out who was knocked up. lol


New Member
Hi there and thanks,
We have a reef tank with corlas, animones, live rock, clowns, stripe blennies, cardinals, goby and a long nose hawk


Originally Posted by surfsupjoe
Hi there and thanks,
We have a reef tank with corlas, animones, live rock, clowns, stripe blennies, cardinals, goby and a long nose hawk

You have a mated pair of clowns? One Blennie? I guess I'm trying to figure out what fish you have two of, and then I can find you a picture of the reproduction for them...I have nothing else to do here at work. LOL


New Member
You know, you are probably correct. It is just wierd to wake up and see something like that when you know you had nothing to do with it. We know the ocaen and all of its wonders. We are florida ocean people. We surf, boat, dive and fish. Even though we are always amazed. I have attached the best picture I could. Does this familiar to anyone?


New Member
You know ReefRobert, You may be right but my son will definately punish anything that kills his clownfish. He is in love with our tank and livestock


New Member
Just for anyone's curiosity!! The Sack broke but we did not see anything out of the norm. Very Weird!!! We are just going to keep looking to see if we have any new additions.