weird six line wrasse behavior


Active Member
We recently bought a sixline wrasse for our 29G tank. Up until tonight, he has been doing very well (eating, swimming, picking at rock, etc...). Tonight, we noticed that he was turning tight spirals in the tank (kind of like barrel rolls). The two ocellaris clowns and the coral beauty are doing fine.
Like I said, he has been doing fine up until now. Is this normal, or is he sick/dying???


I had one do that right before he died. The new one never does this he may circle once or twice and then go on. Does it look like he is looking at the ground?
Hard to say without video of some sort though as this just could be him gettin beat on and not knowing where to go. Is there plenty of rock work?


Active Member
Does it look like he is looking at the ground?
Hard to say without video of some sort though as this just could be him gettin beat on and not knowing where to go. Is there plenty of rock work?
His eyes seemed to be following his rolls (not stationary).
I haven't seen him getting picked on, as the other fish in the tank are very docile (yes...even the clowns).
There is about 40lbs. of LR in the tank, with TONS of places to hide (knooks and crannies, under some rocks, in some rocks, etc...).


I really dont know.
Did you QT him before you added him? He may not be healthy and in need of special care.
I did loose one who did this is he stiff and fins extended or just circling?


Active Member
he was pretty stiff, but his fins were all pretty relaxed looking. We did not QT, as we had problems with our stock, losing them while in QT??? Not sure exactly what the problem was, but we haven't had any problems in our acclimation since then (hour for local bought, 2-3 hours for on-line orders).


Just keep an eye on him and keep updating the thread. If he goes it will be quick. Sorry I wish you luck with him though they are great fish.


Active Member
well, it is morning now and I can't find Mr/Mrs sixline (though he has liked to hide in the mornings). When I say that he is hiding, I can't see any signs of him at all (as with most mornings). If he doesn't show up, what should I do? We have a clean up crew (cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, hermits, snails, emerald crabs, porcelain crabs, sand sifting star)...would they take care of him if he has died? Or will I need to take the tank apart until I find the little fella/lady?


They would check the Ammonia Levels and if they have spiked he is gone. Mine tends to sleep for hours after I turn the lights on and has been hiding for 24 hours now since I moved the tank and have found his hiding place. He has moved around in there lucky for me I only have a giant BR and some fake coral and he has a preferred hole from the last tank.
Give it 24 hours test the water if you cant find him and if you get a spike he is gone. Sorry Good luck.


Active Member
I found him this afternoon, though he is still spinning around the tank. As I posted in another post (dead what?), he shows no visible sign of injury, illness, or being picked on. He is just spinning. I think that I saw him eat some flakes that I put into the tank as well. I have no idea what is going on????


If he is eating I wouldnt worry to much. Funny fish, you may have just gotten a weird one! I heard of them being hurt during capture though as I know they can not be bred in captivity. Just keep watching him, and see if you cant get him to eat some frozen food they like mysis shrimp or try to entice him with some freeze dried brine.
They need meaty foods and all for good health.


Active Member
He seems to be doing ok (other than the spinning, that is) is almost like he has learned a new trick and doesn't want to stop...which is very annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!
All of the other fish are doing very well, but it seems like even they are looking at this $%&# fish like he is crazy!


Active Member
Just a it possible that he may have been stung by an aiptasia (can they even sting???). Her tank has one aiptasia that is pretty it possible?????


Are there any other corals in there? I am not sure on the aipstia as I do not have any corals yet, you may have to look that one up be he may have been.
If there was an anemone I would worry but I dont know if he is eating and bright eyed I wouldnt worrie.
Please let us know if anything changes k?


Originally Posted by browniebuck
Just a it possible that he may have been stung by an aiptasia (can they even sting???). Her tank has one aiptasia that is pretty it possible?????
aiptasia sting, and it is a powerful sting. yes it can harm and kill fish. are there any visable red or black spots on the fish from a possible sting?


Active Member
It does look like there might be a black spot right below the dorsal fin, but I can't tell 100%. I have peppermint shrimp in the tank to eat the aiptasia...but they must be a little bit slow, as they haven't done their job.
To offer a better description as to what I mean when I say "weird sixline behavior", when he spins, he goes 2 different ways. Think of a hot dog on one of those roller cookers. He does that for a while and then goes into something that looks like a dog chasing its tail. I hope that better describes what it is doing, as I don't have the availability of uploading video.


He probably did get stung then. Just watch him I dont know how bad he got it but that is probably what happened, he say a hole he liked in the rock and got hit by it.
Hope he pulls through.


Active Member
strangely enough, the color remains normal. Other than seeing him act this way, the fish looks healthy. I don't see him this morning (normal, as he likes to hide), but last night, you could still count the lines on his side, you could definitely see all of his fins moving, you could see his eyes moving in the direction of his spinning, etc... I don't know what is wrong with this little guy!


Active Member
UPDATE...the crazy fish is out and about again...still spinning!!! In looking closer at the fish, on one side, his lines seem to have a bend/break in them (don't go straight for the whole length of his body). Could that be a place where he may have gotten stung by the aiptasia??? Never before has a fish so totally confused me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, he is still eating and ALIVE. I dont know what else. Maybe you should check the disease forum ... I am sure you have already.
Other than that I would try and google this because man I am confused.
I saw mine yesterday he came out for mysis shrimp and is doing good. I have no Idea ...