Weird Test Results


I have the API saltwater test kit, 16 pounds of live rock in a 12 gallon tank. The rock has been in there for one day now. I tested the water tonight and my Ammonia .25 ppm Nitrite .25 ppm and my nitrate around 10. My question is that shouldn't there be higher readings in these areas and shouldn't it take a couple of weeks?


no, all will go up some more. just remember to do a few water changes to keep die off from ammonia to a min. it doesn't take long to start a cycle. good luck

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Patriot54
I have the API saltwater test kit, 16 pounds of live rock in a 12 gallon tank. The rock has been in there for one day now. I tested the water tonight and my Ammonia .25 ppm Nitrite .25 ppm and my nitrate around 10. My question is that shouldn't there be higher readings in these areas and shouldn't it take a couple of weeks?
give it time test intell lvl are at 0.


Originally Posted by VALgae
no, all will go up some more. just remember to do a few water changes to keep die off from ammonia to a min. it doesn't take long to start a cycle. good luck
How high should I let my ammonia get before I do a water change?


Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't see a point in doing a water change until you are ready to get the nitrates out. When I cycle a tank, I will test for ammonia and nitrites. After they both reach zero, I will then test for the nitrates and perform a water change/changes until it is at an acceptable level (hopefully zero).


Originally Posted by scoobydue4
Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't see a point in doing a water change until you are ready to get the nitrates out. When I cycle a tank, I will test for ammonia and nitrites. After they both reach zero, I will then test for the nitrates and perform a water change/changes until it is at an acceptable level (hopefully zero).
Doing a water change when your ammonia is high durring a cycle is so that you don't kill whatever beneficial bacteria you have left in your or sand.


Originally Posted by Patriot54
Doing a water change when your ammonia is high durring a cycle is so that you don't kill whatever beneficial bacteria you have left in your or sand.
It's funny you would ask this question...I just did a experiment, About 6 weeks ago I took 50LBS of live rock out of a tank that was being broke down. I layed all the rock outside for about 2 weeks to give everything on them time to die off. Then I took two 35gal. rubbermaid tubes in one tube I put about 23LBS.and a powerhead the other tube the other 28LBS.with no powerhead, both tubs had the same mixed water in them. About two days after I put them in I tested the water, the tube with the less amount of rock ammonia lvl were at 2.0 the other was at 4.0 Did about a 10% W/C in the 28LBS tube and left the other tube alone. To a long story short with doing a 10% W/C every few days in one tube and nothing to the other.Two nights ago I did a water test. Tube #1 with the 23LBS lvl read 0:ppm ammonia 0.25:ppm nitrites & 20:ppm nitrates. In tube #2 0.25:ppm ammonia 0.50:ppm nitrites & 40:ppm nitrates. So did I come up with more questions then answers did 5LBS make that much of a diffrents? or just letting it go throw on it's own better or is it slower when is try to give nature a hand... Or do I spend way to much time on the stuff? LOL Just alittle food for thought. any feed back.


Originally Posted by trouble93
It's funny you would ask this question...I just did a experiment, About 6 weeks ago I took 50LBS of live rock out of a tank that was being broke down. I layed all the rock outside for about 2 weeks to give everything on them time to die off. Then I took two 35gal. rubbermaid tubes in one tube I put about 23LBS.and a powerhead the other tube the other 28LBS.with no powerhead, both tubs had the same mixed water in them. About two days after I put them in I tested the water, the tube with the less amount of rock ammonia lvl were at 2.0 the other was at 4.0 Did about a 10% W/C in the 28LBS tube and left the other tube alone. To a long story short with doing a 10% W/C every few days in one tube and nothing to the other.Two nights ago I did a water test. Tube #1 with the 23LBS lvl read 0:ppm ammonia 0.25:ppm nitrites & 20:ppm nitrates. In tube #2 0.25:ppm ammonia 0.50:ppm nitrites & 40:ppm nitrates. So did I come up with more questions then answers did 5LBS make that much of a diffrents? or just letting it go throw on it's own better or is it slower when is try to give nature a hand... Or do I spend way to much time on the stuff? LOL Just alittle food for thought. any feed back.
So what you are saying is let nature take its course?