Originally Posted by
Doing a water change when your ammonia is high durring a cycle is so that you don't kill whatever beneficial bacteria you have left in your or sand.
It's funny you would ask this question...I just did a experiment, About 6 weeks ago I took 50LBS of live rock out of a tank that was being broke down. I layed all the rock outside for about 2 weeks to give everything on them time to die off. Then I took two 35gal. rubbermaid tubes in one tube I put about 23LBS.and a powerhead the other tube the other 28LBS.with no powerhead, both tubs had the same mixed water in them. About two days after I put them in I tested the water, the tube with the less amount of rock ammonia lvl were at 2.0 the other was at 4.0 Did about a 10% W/C in the 28LBS tube and left the other tube alone. To a long story short with doing a 10% W/C every few days in one tube and nothing to the other.Two nights ago I did a water test. Tube #1 with the 23LBS lvl read 0
pm ammonia 0.25
pm nitrites & 20
pm nitrates. In tube #2 0.25
pm ammonia 0.50
pm nitrites & 40
pm nitrates. So did I come up with more questions then answers did 5LBS make that much of a diffrents? or just letting it go throw on it's own better or is it slower when is try to give nature a hand... Or do I spend way to much time on the stuff? LOL Just alittle food for thought. any feed back.