Originally Posted by saltn00b
reno, i have found that consistantly, more than pH , alkalinty drops out VERY fast once the salinity is low. so i would get a buffer like kent superbuffer DkH which buffs both pH and Alk. and watch them both often and early. after the first week of buffing, everything usually stabilizes. then i usually do 5 gallon water changes ( in a 29) once a week because of the loss of / lack of the normal fixing bacteria. if that is sand on the bottom of your QT, vaccuum that out with the water changes.
yea, its left over sand and such from when i had my fish in there while chaning my tank. i had put a lot of live rock in the tank to help out with the bioload. I have some ALK buffer (i think by seachem), plus i got some pH buffer yesterday. of course, i used up my last pH packet this morning so it's off to the lfs again.