well, all the threads going to pay off...



Originally Posted by renogaw

sorry i thinik i know that guy sounds a lot like a story i heard earlier today from someone i know here locally :)


A couple of things Ren, I find that it is easier on the fish if you can drop the SG gradualy. Do smaller changes rather than doing, say, 25% at once. I would not take more than 48 hrs dropping it. Biological bacteria does not die in hypo. Dont vacume the sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CHRISTIAN07
sorry i thinik i know that guy sounds a lot like a story i heard earlier today from someone i know here locally :)

ehh, it's easier to know if you may know him if you put your location in your profile :)
funny thing is my name is mike...so i was wondering who you were


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
A couple of things Ren, I find that it is easier on the fish if you can drop the SG gradualy. Do smaller changes rather than doing, say, 25% at once. I would not take more than 48 hrs dropping it. Biological bacteria does not die in hypo. Dont vacume the sand.
well.... dollar late and a day short :p sand was gone with my first water removal. i was a little hesitant about the 25% change, but no one said it was a bad idea. maybe i'll do a couple 10's, but i gotta get the level down by tonight. it was at 1.017 before doing my change last night, havent checked this morning.


Active Member
OK. what happens when the SG gets down to 1.011? it looks almost like where the ich was ALL the scales (sry, edited) turned white and there's a hole through the dorsal fin. this of course was 2 mins before i had to leave for work, so i don't have a pic.
the gramma was swimming a little sluggish and caught itself between the glass and the MJ's holder over night. i removed the powerhead from the glass and it started swimming a little. the blenny was hiding like normal (i love how it stripes itself when it gets nervous).


Active Member
well, i know at 1.009 the ich bugs are supposed to explode or something. right now my water is at 1.011, so i wasn't sure if they start multiplying or something.
they eat mysid shrimp, but won't eat much else, or a lot of it. i don't generally get nervous about fish not eating till a week is past. there also isn't much on the glass so they may be eating after i leave the tank. it doesn't look like lympho, the scales are turning white


Active Member
gotcha. I don't know enough to help but I couldn't see the ich on my fish at about 24 hours before I even reached 1.009.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CHRISTIAN07
Mike ????

hi christian, welcome to the boards lol

reno, i havent seen white scales, but i have seen a veriety of secondary infections and other diseases manifest themselves after an in ick infestation in hypo. usually they are stress related, especially for bigger fish in a smaller QT. just keep an eye on em and perhaps soak the food in selcon for extra nutrient


THOUGHT THAT was you .... and sorry reno didnt mean to mess up your thread

Originally Posted by saltn00b

hi christian, welcome to the boards lol

reno, i havent seen white scales, but i have seen a veriety of secondary infections and other diseases manifest themselves after an in ick infestation in hypo. usually they are stress related, especially for bigger fish in a smaller QT. just keep an eye on em and perhaps soak the food in selcon for extra nutrient


Active Member
ok, enough thread stealing. :p
here's the gramma. it's almost as if the scales are gone, there's a hole through the fin, and there's bare flesh.



Active Member
The lower the SG gets, the more it takes to dilute it. It took about 30 gal. if I remember right, just to get down that 1 point in my 125 when I hypoed it.


Active Member
that's so weird lol. i did get it down finally, and yea, it took more water to get it down from 1.010 to 1.009, but i'll bet you that evap will bring it right back up in no time LOL.
btw, i read elsewhere that Salinity should be between 12 and 14%, but it looks more like it is at 11%. hope its ok


Staff member
Refresh my memory. You are using a refractometer?
Post all your water readings? And what are you feeding this fish?


Active Member
using a properly calibrated refractometer (from this site). i've been trying to get it to eat mysid and my home made mush, but i haven't seen it eat in a couple days. the blenny is fine (a little shy though). the gramma hides in the bracket of the powerhead all the time.
ammonia was zero last night, ph is a tad high 8.4-8.6. didn't bother testing alk/calc nitrates less than 10 (but not zero) didn't test trites. the qt's been up and running for months with ghost feeding so it's been cycled. sg was at 1.009, salinity at 11% as of this morning


Staff member
Is the fish being harrassed? Those scars and find issues kinda look like he may be.


Active Member
the fish is only in there with a bicolor blenny. at the lfs it was with a jaw fish. if anything, those fish would be bullied by the gramma.
and, the pics show this didn't happen until 2 days into hypo.