well, he went and did it...

nemo lover

I had my girl for a long time and was moving in with my bf in another city. needless to say I choose him over her. He has a big snake fear (whata whuss). I couldn't find any one to take her that I felt was responsable enough you know it felt like I was giving my child away. When the man who had the male I breed her with said he would take her. Very good man who took very good care of his babys. She was in good hands and I know she would have a great life. Now four years later and I still miss her and I only kept in touch with him for a little while my life then was kind of kaotic, those were the good old days. lol


Active Member
Nemo, He must've been some kinda guy to convince you he was better than the pets!!! :D
Here's a pic of the set ups for both the BRB and the chondros...
These are 10g temp set ups (all three snakes are too small to go into our big cage right now...)
The one on the left is the BRB, and has a mini-humidifier keeping the humidity up...and one on the right is for the chondros, and we're using an airstone in the water bowl temporarily, to keep humidity up on that side.


Active Member
Polar-that's fine and dandy, but where are the pics of the big cage at???
Uh, it's in a box in the garage...why, does it matter? :thinking:


Active Member
I can go down at get a pic of the box it's in! If you want to see one set up, it's at www.cagesbydesign.com ...we got the 36x36x24...just the basic setup.
BTW, we learned we cannot keep the chondros in the large cage for sometime, because it stresses them when they're this young...we won't be setting it up for maybe a year. So sorry...unless you really, really want a picture of the box! I'll post the pic when we set it up, promise:)
Here's one more pic that my boyfriend took...the big meanie, which we've renamed "My Precious" actually looks sort of...sweet here...she's NOT.


Active Member
A freind of mine used to have a breeding pair of GTP's. He would sale the babies for about $300 a peice wholesale, so I'd say you got one hell of a deal.
Also about the bigger cages. My freind said the problem with the large cages with the babies, is they needed extremely high humidty, and most people wouldn't keep the humidity high enough in a large cage. Don't know if thats true, but just what he told me.
BTW after getting back from vacation a couple of weeks ago, I contacted bobclark about a pair of rainbows. They wont have any more for a couple of more months. They said they contact us when their ready to go.


Active Member
We read that the babies are less stressed and feed better in a smaller cage...but who knows! Certainly it would be harder to keep a larger cage humid. We have a fogger we ordered (in a BOX in the GARAGE with the CAGE
) to keep the humidity at a good level. The guy we got them from recommended we keep them in a small enclosure till they were about a year, or so.
Are you gonna wait on the bobclark rainbows??? Just to inspire you...here's another pic of mine:) (I noticed when you spray them, the water makes the rainbow really "pop"!)


Active Member
After seeing your pics, and hearing how well yours is doing, we have decided to wait. We've been looking for a couple of years, but hey have not been that available here. When I have come across 1 they want a fortune for it. Even wholesale they go for $125 here.



Originally posted by polarpooch
My boyfriend went and got a pair of GTPs...this first one, I'm calling her "little witch from hell" is mean as can be....

What does a snake like that cost?


Active Member
What does a snake like that cost?
Average price is between $300 and $1000 in the classifieds...we got the pair for a steal at $400.


Cool. We have a store here that specializes in snakes. He has all types of them. Coolest to me is this huge tank with two HUGE green Anacondas(atleast 15ft). You may look this guy up. He seriously has all kinds of sh!t. PM me and i'll give you the store name and number.