well i found out why my tank has had a HUGE ammonia spike that 2, 25% WC's couldn't help...


Well I do not recommend stirring up the sand...LOL...do you have the liquid test kits....strips really suck....
amquel+ won't remove the ammonia....just detoxify it.....did you have anything else die in the tank? OH how often are you doing the w/c's.....might wantto do a but bigger since you are not getting much change


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by adaminelpaso http:///forum/thread/387161/well-i-found-out-why-my-tank-has-had-a-huge-ammonia-spike-that-2-25-wc-s-couldn-t-help#post_3405027
hey meow i had been doing 30% changes and no change in the ammonia. just did an instant-read test strip and the ammonia is down, but still at 3ppm. hopefully it will keep dropping. amquel+ is what i've been using to bond it...still of course i want it ALL GONE!
yes i have about a 3" sand base but as i said, the base is at least 10 yrs old.
Have you been using test strips all along? Always use a lab test kit. The Amquel will also mess with test results, it will read high but it isn't toxic anymore. Are you running carbon as well? That should also help remove toxins.


Active Member
in my opinion, test strips are really inaccurate!
Mine read 20 nitrates in a tank that really had 160 nitrates.
2 nitrite in a tank that really had 0 nitrite.
I really recommend seachem test kits!