I have a 125 with FOWLR/S. Only inhabitants are a miniatus grouper, stars & stripes puffer, & lionfish, all around 12". I tested the water before I left for almost 2 weeks with a friend housesitting & everything seemed normal. When I got back the fish were not acting right, but they seem to pout sometimes when i go out of town, so didnt think that much about it, especially after 16 hours of being in the car. The next day I noticed that the puffer had ick and cloudy eyes. The lion had a tiny bit of ick, and the grouper looked fine. I tested the water again, same results, so I took a sample to the lfs (know the owner very well) and the results were: way too low ph & extemely high nitrates, everything else fine. I bought a new test kit, got the ph back to normal, started a treatment of furan 2 & formulite III. Next day did a 25% water change. Following day another 25% water change & continued treatment while constantly monitoring the ph which is good now, but nitrates still way too high. The lion is seems fine, puffer is actually better, but the grouper doesnt look like hes gonna make it & he looked the best when it started. By the way the tank has been running for over 2 years and everything has been fine with the exception of 1 old lion around 5 years old dying
a year ago. No other problems since. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated, cause the grouper seems like he wont make it through the night.