went snorkling and caught..


My questions are:
Where do you plan on keeping them? And for how long? Obviously they cannot be housed in a 29 gallon aquarium.
If they don't eat, do you plan on releasing them back into the wild so they don't die?
And as others have asked, How do you catch them? Is it fairly easy around a reef to simply use a net, or it there another method?


Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies
question: what do you use to catch them? Just curious, cause I'm out there all the time and never really thought about doing this! duh....
i have a net that is made of tubing clear as a support and a net that it about 3 feet in depth so the fish dosent get out, its tricky and takes practice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitey
My questions are:
Where do you plan on keeping them? And for how long? Obviously they cannot be housed in a 29 gallon aquarium.
If they don't eat, do you plan on releasing them back into the wild so they don't die?
And as others have asked, How do you catch them? Is it fairly easy around a reef to simply use a net, or it there another method?
they are eating algae cubes, but i will buy some different food for them today.they are still small, any have a while till they get too big for the tank, the net is what i use... you can buy a slurp gun but they are expencive, my friends dad used to be a commercial tropical fish catcher and they would bring a gun type thing with bleach squirt it at the fish so they would get stunned then slurp them up.


Active Member
I had NO IDEA we had those at Boynton Inlet. I didnt think anything lived down there. You were inside or outside the inlet? Im assuming outside because where Im picturing has bad visibility and high boat traffic


Active Member
inside, visibility was bad you have to go just before it gets high tide that is where it is most clear, around the walls and under bridges theres no boats, make sure you have a dive flag though.


Thats a nice queen angel. Try feeding them some romaine lettuce. They love that. Just make sure you rinse it off good.
Were you tank diving or free diving?


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
I had NO IDEA we had those at Boynton Inlet. I didnt think anything lived down there. You were inside or outside the inlet? Im assuming outside because where Im picturing has bad visibility and high boat traffic
I beleive he stated "palm beach" inlet....not Boynton... You can also find good stuff at Peanut island around the rock piles.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
I beleive he stated "palm beach" inlet....not Boynton... You can also find good stuff at Peanut island around the rock piles.

Oh ok, I misread. I gotta go out one of these times. Does this require scuba gear or just snorkling?


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Oh ok, I misread. I gotta go out one of these times. Does this require scuba gear or just snorkling?
The area Im talking about you can just snorkel, another good snorkel (collecting) spot is Dubois park in Jupiter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
The area Im talking about you can just snorkel, another good snorkel (collecting) spot is Dubois park in Jupiter.

collect what, i used to go fishing in the back part of dubois, then the hurricane hit and messed it all up so i never went back
p.s sharks love that lagoon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by scottallert
collect what, i used to go fishing in the back part of dubois, then the hurricane hit and messed it all up so i never went back
p.s sharks love that lagoon.
The lagoon area has hermit crabs,Ive seen urchins and quenn conchs in there also. Where the water comes into the lagoon...before high tide by the rock piles are lots of fish.



Originally Posted by scottallert
they are eating algae cubes, but i will buy some different food for them today.they are still small, any have a while till they get too big for the tank
, the net is what i use... you can buy a slurp gun but they are expencive, my friends dad used to be a commercial tropical fish catcher and they would bring a gun type thing with bleach squirt it at the fish so they would get stunned then slurp them up.
No they don't. You're another irresponsible swf owner.
Please find a new hobby.


Originally Posted by chowtownreefer
dont be lame.
Okay, I take it you agree that 2 Angels pulled from the ocean have a while before they're too big for a 29 gallon tank?
Does this not sound ridiculous and irresponsible?
Don't be stupid.