Wet/Dry and sump layout. Squidd or others!


That is a great idea! Im gunna make another thread to get faster comments and answer those few questions. Thanks a lot man!


Make sure you use a larger hole.. Just in case.
Good thing is if the connection is near the water line there won't be much pressure on the seals.
So less chance of leaks.


Actually, I think im just gunna raise the egg crate and take some of the bio balls out, and put LR in the place of the bio balls, that would be submerged in the water. Now, as far as having both bulkheads at the same height, will i need to do anything special, and should the water be dropping into the water in the fuge, or can it be on the water line? and do you think 1 1/2 in. bulkheads are still big enough?


I'm thinking it will be at the waterline but once it evaporates it will start spilling.
If you run into bubbles from it use the left over bioballs to reduce it. Just a small bio ball box.
Not sure about the bulkheads.


I will have 2 baffles to seperate the pump from the fuge, so that should help out a little. Thanks for all you help. I will be posting the setup within the next couple weeks so stay tuned, as well as my DIY canopy (cant wait to start building!!:D) And Squidd what do you still think about the Bulkhead Size?


heres a most recent pic. Hope it turns out as good as it looks! Squidd...want to give the final approval / disaproval??:D


Active Member
Well....You got a little bit of "everything" in there bioballs, live rock in the dark (good for pods), skimmer with constant level..(Make sure you drill bulkhead at proper opperating height for skimmer...),
Flows to fuge...Can be held to that height or slightly lower by baffles on left side as it goes to return pump...Good sized fuge (needs light) ...
Basicly "measure" everything out to make sure it'll fit and you can work on it...and you should be good to go...


Got the tank today!! It looks awsome. The W/D is comming via FedEx tomorrow! Bulkeads and pump should be comming in pretty soon, as well as the 25 gal. (tuesday to be exact). It feels so good, to finaly get started, after months of waiting and planning!! I am getting the wood for the DIY canopy tomorrow, and already got all the hardware. The lights are still not in, but I am hoping very soon! Thank you all for your help!
oh...one more quick one... Do you think I should put LR in the fuge as well, or is it not needed since it is in the W/D? I think im going to do both but just want some more opinions! Thank you all!


Active Member
I already purchased the wet/dry, so I have to use it. There must be something that I can do.
Quite honestly Masala, I was under the impression you already "had" the W/D and were "stuck" with it and looking to make the best of it...
Had I known you were starting from scratch, I would have suggested a larger longer "breeder" tank that would fit under the stand and done a much more effecient layout and probably saved you a whole bunch of money in the process...


I definitly would have done it, but the parents said I couldnt...I dont know why...Belive me, I would have done that in a heartbeat, but they shot it down..Thats why I am trying to make the best out of this.:rolleyes:


Active Member
Did I mention I could have saved you/"THEM" a whole bunch of "MONEY"..
That usually gets their attention...:D
Don't get me wrong...You don't have a "bad" system...
But It could have been "cheaper" and better...


Active Member
Just an opinion but I'd get a better return pump even a mag drive. The caps have never worked good for me. In fact I just pulled one out of my parents 75g. that was shorting out and putting electricity into my tank. I picked it up and it shocked the crap out of me. All the livestock was fine though.:D


Ya, I did order a Mag 9.5.. I dont know if it will be too much though. At a 4 foot head it pulls 800GPH, I am going to put a few in, but not sure it that will still be ok. Squidd:D What do you think man?


Active Member
I "think"...:thinking: ...that if you have an overflow that's rated at 600gph...
And you use a pump that will put 800 gph in ....:thinking:
You might have a problem there...
Couple choices here...
1. "Choke" it with a Ball valve...:nope:
2. Divert some flow to fuge...(you already have a LOT of flow through fuge)...:nope:
3. Get a smaller pump...:thinking: Mag 7 will give you 450 gph (too low)...:nope: ...Quiet One 4000 will give you 560 gph if you use 3/4" return line (restricted) or the Quiet One 3000 will push 550 through 1" line.....:thinking: ...better...:joy:
4. Or...You could add a SCWD to the return on the mag 9.5 get
~500 gph "switched current" out of the return(s).... :jumping:


come on squidd...Thats NOT what I wanted to hear. Now I am thinking of just exchanging it and getting a quiet one 3000. Is there ANY way that I could just use the Mag9.5 without having to do a scwd or anything....Maybe add more elbows to do like a square thing.haha. I dont want to do any of the other things that you mentioned. Darnit. I purchased it online too.:nope:


Active Member
SCWDs only $30-40... :notsure:
You get to use the pump you already ordered AND you get the benifit of "switched flow"....
SCWDs are restictive, but you do get the switching action, which seems to be a better deal than just "choking" it off with elbows or ball valves...