Wet/Dry and sump layout. Squidd or others!


How do you set it up when you already have a built in overflow? would you just hook it up to the outake, thats in the overflow? I think I get it.


Ok..I dove right in and bought a SCWD off the internet. $25 plus free shipping.. not too bad. I get how they work now and how to set them up so im good on that. I am starting to position everything and its lookin like its gunna be a tight fit in the stand. I hope it all fits!!!:nervous: I will be getting everything else next week so we are looking at another week or 2 before it is ready to run. Ill be posting my DIY Canopy within the next week or two as well. All I can say is PLEASE wish me luck, and thanks for all your help squidd. Ill keep you posted!:happyfish