wet or dry skim


Active Member
Originally Posted by trippkid
Still only 22 takers for the poll, there should be hundreds by now. Come on people.

amen my brotha


Active Member
Based on the instructions that came with my skimmer and my under standing of how a skimmer works I set my skimmate as dry as I can. For the most part surface tension grabs the waste and pushes it up the skim stack. The wetter the skimmate the weaker the surface tension the clearer the water. So I assume that dryer is better, even if it takes longer because it can remove heaver waste. Now is it better for growth or color you got me on that I don’t know.


Active Member
i voted dry cause thats how i was told to skim. I have always dialed the skimmers in dry. it seems to get a lot of crap out with out risking over flows.


Active Member
Wet, currently, cause I have a crap Prizm skimmer and it's the only way I get any decent skimmate.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by GeoJ
Based on the instructions that came with my skimmer and my under standing of how a skimmer works I set my skimmate as dry as I can. For the most part surface tension grabs the waste and pushes it up the skim stack. The wetter the skimmate the weaker the surface tension the clearer the water. So I assume that dryer is better, even if it takes longer because it can remove heaver waste. Now is it better for growth or color you got me on that I don’t know.
Sounds logical to me.