I have a deep sand bed in now but its not processing nitrates yet
or at least not very many of them. What are some ways to help it develop? Would sand sifting crabs help?
Any suggestions would be great, right now I have a lot of bristle worms, some copepods, and some cricket looking things in the sand bed but thats about it. The bed is 4 1/2 inches deep but i don't think the bottom layer is getting stirred.
Should I order one of those detrivos (sp) kits?
Oh another question anyone who has had sand sifting crabs before, do they ever come out of the sand? I have a pufferfish in one tank and I don't want to use them again because I know for a fact that he'll eat them
Any suggestions would be great, right now I have a lot of bristle worms, some copepods, and some cricket looking things in the sand bed but thats about it. The bed is 4 1/2 inches deep but i don't think the bottom layer is getting stirred.
Should I order one of those detrivos (sp) kits?
Oh another question anyone who has had sand sifting crabs before, do they ever come out of the sand? I have a pufferfish in one tank and I don't want to use them again because I know for a fact that he'll eat them