What are some of questions we ask as new hobbyists?


Well-Known Member
ooo, good ones.
17. What types of tools are required for fragging?
18. Super glue gel, epoxy, fishing line, neting, rubberbands for frag attaching?
19. Reef plugs for fragging, are they worth it?
20. Do I need to soak my frags in iodine after fragging?
21. What's a coralline recipe? lol
22. Can my panther grouper do well in a 20g high?


Well-Known Member
136. How many fish per 10 gallons of water should I add to my tank?
137. What do you mean "filtration media?"
138. Are Biowheels ok?
139. Can I put macroalgae in a tank full of tangs?
140. What macroalgae can I add to a display tank?
141. What substrate should I use for an aggressive tank?
142. How does temp affect salinity?
143. Should I dose trace elements such as iodine, strontium and magnesium?
144. How many watts per gallon do I need to keep LPS and SPS corals?
145. What are LPS corals?
146. What are SPS corals?
147. Why do I need to drip loop my electrical lines?
148. What precautions can I take to make sure my tank does not leak at the seams?
149. What is a GFCI?
150. Will a powerstrip surge protector be good enough?
151. How many amps do I need to run all of my equipment?
152. What is salt creep?
153. What do I need to do to prevent condensation from getting into electrical equipment?
154. I am getting a voltage current in my tanks! What do I do?
155. What are eddy currents?
156. A powerhead blew up in my tank, what damage can it do?
157. Can pumps and powerheads add heat to my tank?
158. What is a phosphate reactor?
159. What is a carbon reactor?
160. What is a kalkwasser stirrer?
161. What is a calcium reactor?
162. What is an automatic feeder, and can I use one?
163. What is a "polyfilter?"
164. What is a fluidized sand bed filter?
165. How much will I see my electrical bill go up?
166. What are the usual monthly bills associated with keeping an aquarium?
167. How much does it cost to feed your fish each month?
168. How do I plumb in multiple aquariums on the same sump?
169. What size sump would I need to buy to plumb in more then one aquarium?
169. How would you set up an awesome breeding system? (maybe not so noob)
170. Can I set my aquarium in a sun room or a green house type of setting in my house?


Active Member
A whole thread about questions that no one really wants to answer AGAIN...
I think as the OP here Snake, you should have to respond to each and every question.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
A whole thread about questions that no one really wants to answer AGAIN...
I think as the OP here Snake, you should have to respond to each and every question.

I was thinking that maybe a few people (who I will pm) can get together and answer all of these questions, and proof it before re-posting in another thread.
I just want to add as many questions as I can before we start answering them!
Got any to add?

scopus tang

Active Member
I don't think you got these
What is a drilled tank?
How do you drill a tank?
How many holes should I drill?
DYI overflow?
Can I buy a overflow if I drill my own tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
WHAT did I get myself into

Ahh, come on, it's only 170 questions!
171. How do I calibrate a refractometer?
172. How do I catch this shrimp?
173. How do I kill aiptasia?
174. What do feather dusters eat?
175. How and what do I feed my corals?
176. Do fish sleep?
177. How come some skimmers don't work right away and need a break-in period?
178. What precautions should be taken when handling corals?
179. Why do I have to quarantine, my lfs seems okay?
180. Why is live rock so expensive?
181. Why do I need so much live rock?
182. If live rock seeds base rock, then how much rock to I need to start with for X gallons of water, and how much base rock do I need to add?
183. How long does it take liverock to seed base rock?
184. Should I buy fish aquacultured or wild caught?
185. How long after acclimation do corals usually open up?


Well-Known Member
Hah, lets see if we can get over 200?
186. How do you "cook" live rock?
187. Do cleaner clams really reduce nitrates?
188. What type of fish/invert traps are there?
189. Can I make any traps myself?
190. Why are my corals melting away?
191. Why are my SPS corals melting away?
192. Why can't I get coralline algae to grow?
193. What is the purpose of coralline algae, why is it good, why do you want it?


Well-Known Member
194. What is a quarantine aquarium?
195. How big should my quarantine be?
196. How much copper do I need to add? What is the correct ppm?
197. What is hyposalinity and how can I do it?
198. What type of lighting should I have for my quarantine tank?
199. Should I quarantine corals too?
200. What are Red Bugs?


201. what is the differance between a hospital and quarantine tank ?
202 do i need a light for my hospital tank ?
203. Do i need to quarantine my fish and corals before i put them in my DT ?
204 what are all the abbreviations like DT, bt, ck, PH, sps, lps, lfs, VHO, MH, DIY,"ok maybe not that one" and so on?
205 do i have to take out that ded fish or coral?
206 what is the best pump for the wattage ?
207 if i buy expensive stuff will it save me money in the long run?
208 what is the differance betwen Mogel and HQI MH ?
209 what is par.
210 if i get a 175w mh can it give as much or equal to a 400w HM in par?


211 where can hobbyists trade and sell there stuff so i can buy used and not new stuff. "sorry i miss the classifieds”


Well-Known Member
We might not be able to answer number 211, but only say that you can find used stuff in your local newspapers and online. Can't really direct any business on this website.
212. Where are all the conventions that I hear about?
213. What is CITIES?
214. What is MACNA?
215. What is the difference between carribean, fiji, tonga, jakarta, marshall islands and other types of live rock?
216. Is one type of live rock better then the other?
217. Can I keep clams under power compact lighting?
218. What is this stringy type of "zig zag" stuff on my glass? Did my snails just mate?
219. What is the lifecycle of ich?
220. What is a frag tank?
221. How do I set up a frag tank?
222. What is a water resavoir? (sp?)
223. How can I set up an auto top off system without float valve?
224. What in the world is egg crate?


Well-Known Member
There are a few species related questions that might be able to be answered in this short booklet...
225. What are sundial snails?
226. What are tube worms?
227. What are barnicles?
228. What are "fishing" snails?
229. What are bad bristle worms?
230. What are good bristle worms?
231. What are vermitid snails?
232. What are hydroids?
233. What is this spongy looking thing?
234. How do you spot a good live fish store?
235. How do you know where to shop to buy great quality live goods?
236. If an animal looks unhealthy in a LFS's tank, should I take it home to save it?
237. Should I buy aquacultured goods before wild caught goods?
I'm about out of general questions.


I love this thread. But if you do put this in a book or redo these questions in any order I think you should put them in some type of order that goes with skill or setup order. Such as the first question could be:
Do I have the time and money to have a salt water tank?

What is the benefit of having a salt water tank over a fresh water tank?

and they can progress as you gain in skill. like you don't want to ask about an anemones before you ask about the cycle of a tank. Just a couple of suggestions and maybe a couple of new questions.
P.S. if you make a book of questions and answers I WANT ONE !!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
omg, all the silicone questions I forgot!!!
239. What type of silicone should I use?
240. This stuff that I got at home depot says "mold and mildew resistant" is it still ok to use?
241. Does silicone stick to acrylic pretty well?
242. Does painters tape really help hold the glass up while siliconing it in a sump?
243. How long does silicone take to dry before you can move your project?
244. How long does silicone take to dry before you can leak test it?
245. How long does silicone take to dry before you can use it for an aquarium?
246. When working with silicone, should I take any sort of precautions?
247. How do I cut glass to make them into baffles?
And all of the acrylic questions...
248. What exactly is acrylic?
249. What type of acrylic is used for aquariums?
250. What thickness do I need to build my Xg tank? (What are all the factors)
251. What tools do I need to cut and process acrylic? How can I keep acrylic from melting?
252. What are some tips and tricks to cutting and processing acrylic?
253. What sort of glue or solvent do I need to use?
254. How can I get the absolute best bond? Should I practice first?
255. How do I keep the acrylic sheets in place while I am working on them?
256. How do I make overflows and drill holes?
257. How do I fit it through the door, because I built it too big?
258. How do you bend acrylic?
259. Should I leave the brown paper or plastic on it while working with acrylic?
260. Can acrylic work be fun, and is it easy to make DIY projects?
261. Where can I buy acrylic from and how much does it cost on average?
262. How is acrylic different from glass?
263. I have a scratch! How can I get rid of it?
264. What are some plans for a DIY protein skimmer or similar piece of equipment?
Is there some aspect of keeping aquaria that I haven't listed yet?


Well-Known Member
Some experienced questions:
23. What are tidal surge systems?
24. How do you build a grow out system for sps corals?
25. How do you build an aquaculturing system?
26. How do you make almost every part of keeping aquaria automated?