what are these snails?


Active Member
Hubby brought home 9 new snails today. LFS told him they were nassarius. 5 of them have black shells and I have not seen the "siphon" The other 4 have already buried themselves in the sand but the 5 black have not. So are they nassarius or something else. If not what snail is small and has black shell? Hope I don't end up having to go hunting for them, they are pretty small.


Nerite maybe?: "exceptionally hardy herbivorous snails; superior glass polishers; jet-black in color, night feeders."


Active Member
hmm I'll try a search on that name. Thanks. :) Where did you get that quote?
edit: did a search and on nerite I didn't come up with black ones. just ones like margaritas. Anyone gotr a link.


Active Member
Here are a few links to some snail pics that are black or at least some types are black. HTH
I've seen Nerites black
<a href="http://www.bio.umb.edu/Tidepools/snails1.htm" target="_blank">Four Toothed Nerites</a>
I've seen Margarites black
<a href="http://www.ffexpress.com/inverts/snails/margarita.jpg" target="_blank">Margaritas</a>
I've seen Ceriths black
<a href="http://www.ffexpress.com/inverts/snails/cortez_cerith.jpg" target="_blank">Ceriths</a>


Hmmmm well I've never really seen one. I ordered them (and got the quote from) ipsf.com. They are coming tomorrow.
Nice links! :D


Active Member
Well - another good thing about this hobby...sure can't just say a snail is a snail is a snail can we? I guess they could be any of these as they don't look exactly like any of them. Good news is all your replies are about good snails so I'm just going to enjoy having them in there ;) Thanks for the replies so far and NaCI thanks for the pics links ;)

bang guy

Originally posted by Wrassecal:
<strong>Good news is all your replies are about good snails so I'm just going to enjoy having them in there ;) </strong><hr></blockquote>
I'll be a party pooper ;) and buck the trend.
Do a search on Buccinid Whelk. There's no chance of a positive id without a really good picture though.


Active Member
Ok Bad Guy, I'm mean Bang Guy :D I found some pics from Ron Shimek and mine are not whelks....ya had me scared for a minute. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


I have snails with black shells, but they have a little whitish top. They are called Marguarita snails ...and boy do they love the glass :)
Doubt if it helps, but i wanted my two cents in :D

bang guy

Originally posted by Wrassecal:
<strong>Ok Bad Guy, I'm mean Bang Guy :D I found some pics from Ron Shimek and mine are not whelks....ya had me scared for a minute. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
I'm quite happy to be wrong!
<img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />