What are you feeding your Rays


I am just wondering what you are feeding your Rays. I made some homemade food yesterday which consist of squid, shrimp, tuna (fresh), flounder, just a little Nori, garlic and threw in a little Lifeline that was left in the freeze. I had been feeding my Ray these foods individually and ate well but today I tried to feed it my mix and it just swam right on past. All the other fish ate it up so I guess I have to go and get more things just for it.


I feed mine silversides, raw shrimp, scallops, and clams.....I actually rotate....she gets silversides, shrimp and one of the 2 others every day...
ex.. 1 silverside, 1 large shrimp, 1 piece of scallop
ex. 1 silverside, 1 lge shrimp, 1 clam


I have a Cortez Ray. and from head to tip of tail she is now 13"..YIKES..her body is at least 8" in diameter...bigger than I was told.....I was fairly new at this when I got her...I have her in a 225G, I am REALLY hoping she doesn't grow much more.... she is very spoiled (eats from my hand) and I live in a very remote area and have no clue what I would do if she outgrows my tank....
They get big (I hear)...how big is your tank?


I have been reading about mine which is very simular to yours and they say that the largest recorded is 22.8 in head to tail. Mine is in a 60 inch round 100 gallon kiddy pool till i get my 375 up and going. I just got back from Aldi and picked up some raw shrimp and some mahi mahi and came home cut it up and he went straight to it so maybe it doesnt like the garlic or nori in my homemade food. i have read the Cal. Rays can live in water down to 54 degrees, that would help on the electric bill but dont know what other fish could handle temps in the 60s. What fish do you have with yours?


all kinds...tangs, clowns, chromis, damsels, angels, mandarin....lol...I am sure I forgot someone