what could have happened???? :-(


All my reading are fine 0, 0, 0 salt level fine, and i wake up and BOMB my yellow tang is DEAD :-( looks like he got ick over night on his face.... also my clownfish is missing, im assuming it died too..... uhh this sucks, im going to have to take a water sample in and see what the hell went wrong


How long has your tank been set for? What kind of filtration, LR, LS??? What are your inhabitants....Don't put anything again until you are sure what's wrong with? if both fishes died is because there is something wrong in your MT.....


LR and LS, empreor 400 filtration, 2 heaters, powerhead ...... Ok this could be a dumb question but could it have been because i dont really have a clean up crew in my tank?!?!


no, but how long was your tank up and running wtih LR, LS and all before you put the fish in??? and how long did they last untill they died???


i took a sample to my lfs and they said i should add TLC for saltwater aquariums hopefully this ---- will work!
tank has been up for 6+ months ive had rock in it for only a week, it was suppose to be curred rock and so i thought it was ok to put fish in it? They said my salt level was a little bit too high, would that have killed my fish? it was only like a little tiny bit over what its suppose to be?


Active Member
What the HECK is TLC?????
I would be very very wary of any product like that.
It is an ammonia and nitrite eliminator which means your tank parameters are NOT good. That could definitely be an issue. Do you have other fish? If not, the tank needs to cycle through. I would NOT add an ammonia eliminator, personally, some can really mess things up.
Did they give you a pH and alkalinity reading?


Active Member
You need to post all of your water parameters or we are unable to give you any meaningful help. I'd avoid taking advice from your fish store. They sound like the typical place just trying to make a buck off of you :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
What the HECK is TLC?????
I would be very very wary of any product like that.
It is an ammonia and nitrite eliminator which means your tank parameters are NOT good. That could definitely be an issue. Do you have other fish? If not, the tank needs to cycle through. I would NOT add an ammonia eliminator, personally, some can really mess things up.
Did they give you a pH and alkalinity reading?
TLC is a brand of product that is gaining popularity in the fish stores as they are sending it out to the stores by gallons to sample.
Recently, my LFS received some free and used it for many weeks before putting it on the shelves. The company is based out of Ohio. Since my LFS has three degrees two in different sciences and one in marine biology, I have learned I can trust him to decipher what I do not know. He likes it and now uses it as well as other stores.
Below is some information about the procuts (excluding the scientific data):
TLC for Saltwater Aquariums. The flagship TLC saltwater aquarium product. Completely natural and safe - not a chemical. Use to rapidly cycle new tanks, when adding new species, and for tank maintenance. Eliminates toxic ammonia and nitrite, helps minimize sludge build-up. Available in 2 oz., 4 oz., 12 oz., and Gallon bottles (60 ml, 125 ml, 350 ml, and 4 liter bottles).
Marine SAT (Hair Algae Treatment). Eliminates hair algae in marine aquariums. 100% live bacterial formula outcompetes nuisance algae for nutrients. Completely safe and natural. Available in 12 oz., 32 oz., and Gallon bottles (350 ml, 1 liter, and 4 liter bottles).
If you do a google search and go straight to their website, they have posted the scienetific data of their products in a PDF format.
Hope that helps you out.
Denise M.


Active Member
But, they are still in the business to sell things, IMO, regardless of degrees
I'll say that since I have a couple too and worked in an LFS

So I wandered off and looked at some info on it:
I'll say that, by nature, I am wary of ANY such claims. There are all sorts of additives people thing are great and even necessary that many others don't use and still have great success. Marketing is a huge thing in this hobby. It gets you to believe you need additives.
Anything that eliminates toxic ammonia and nitrite is an immediate red flag. According to the label it also removes "sediment" :notsure: I do not believe in "rapidly" cycling tanks, nor should this product be necessary in any tank that is properly established. If water quality is perfect, IMO, there should be no need whatsoever for any bacterial additives (if this is what it may be). So I don't see the need. If you are waiting for bacteria to utilize a lot of sludge build up...it may be a long wait, and again doesn't address the actual problem (overfeeding, overstocking, poor maintenance).
If bacterial additives are needed, then I would personally recommend investing in cured LR and not a bottled product. If it is needed, there is a whole range of these products.
If the tank water in this case is perfect...then they just made a nice $$$$ sale and didn't solve any problem.
But that is JMO. I believe very few additives are needed in a tank. Dechlorinator for tanks using tap water. Various "liquid" foods if you wish to call them "additives." But the rest are not typically required, IMO, for a tank to properly function.
In an established tank that is able to keep ammonia and nitrite at 0, then the addition of any bacteria is a complete waste. They just won't do anything more. If the tank is NOT able to remain stable, then, IMO, there is a far greater issue and just selling a bottle of bacteria alone is not helpful.
In addition, in terms of their "Hair algae treatment" well, of course, there are a lot of products that claim to solve issues...but I am not sure how aerobic bacteria would do this. One of the nutrients that help fuel hair algae are nitrates, which arise from the breakdown of ammonia and organic wastes due to the activity of aerobic bacteria such as those added in this product. So that simply makes no real sense to me at all.
And the marine SAT (though their site says it is a hair algae treatment) on the bottle they show it says it is a clarifier and makes no mention of hair algae. So that is really confusing as well.
All JMO though


Active Member
If I'm reading this right it seems to me that the LFS sold you some "cured" LR that was not really cured. It caused an ammonia spike which killed your fish and is now attempting to sell you some bottled miracle juice to fix the problem that THEY caused in the first place. This place is no good, I'd take my money else where if possible. I am strongly against any type of water additives ever since I lost my beautiful BTA to a chemical burn which I blame myself for because I thought I needed to suppliment my water.


Active Member
I think that is a very likely issue.
Salinity has to be exceedingly high, IMO, for it to kill fish - especially suddenly.
Did you do anything to your tank? Wash your hands with soap and put them in? Any painting, cleaning, etc?
How long did you have these fish?


wow thinks for all the replies! Actually though i got the live rock , and the fish, and the TLC all from different fish stores! lol. TLC from lfs Rock from 4 hours away, and fish from 2 hours away. I really dont know what it could have been because my Nitrate level was 0, Amo was 0 and PH was at the 8.2 its suppose to be. Only thing that was high was my salenity on my own personal test i ran and the test the lfs ran, so i put some of that TLC in my tank and did a water change so we will see how this works out. Going to purchase a damsel probably tomorow to see if it lives in the tank.
Thanks again everyone.
One other question if for say my lr wasnt cured is there any real way to tell???


New Member
I think if the rock is cured it will smell like nothing or the water, but uncured will smell sour or just gross because things are dying on it? Not for sure but thats what I was told.....


Traveling four hours away from picking up live rock would produce die off on cured live rock. So you may have had a spike.


so now that the rock has been in the tank for over a week and ive done a water change should i be fine to put fish in? or should i pull out the rock and try to knock of any dead stuff?


I think you should spend your money on some tests kits instead of supplements. Then you wont have to drive to your LFS to test your water. You would probably save more money on gas then you would spend on the kits.


as stated earlier in the post i have one, and i "ran my own test as well and got the same thing" so i took it there to see what they got just to make sure my test wasnt messed up! thanks for your great advice though