What Did You Just Do???


Active Member
I just got dressed to go check my fuses and the fuel pump relay because my blazer is having issues again....


Active Member
my lights just went on i put a nice dip in and just watching my tank got 2 new clowns and a bubble tip stupid thing is walking everywhere.


Just got off of a long patrol in Southern Baghdad and laid down to read the fish forums. Thank god for different forums to keep my head on straight.


Active Member
just got back from softball practice, jumped in the shower now i am off to watch the BURN game...
Originally Posted by BRIAND7878
Just got off of a long patrol in Southern Baghdad and laid down to read the fish forums. Thank god for different forums to keep my head on straight.
thank you for your service!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by BRIAND7878
Just got off of a long patrol in Southern Baghdad and laid down to read the fish forums. Thank god for different forums to keep my head on straight.
yes thank u! my brother is in the army, well just got out. last week he is home for good. he was at camp spiker for 18 months. thank u!


Active Member
Just got done putting in the fuel pump relay....not the problem....back at square one.
I looked at the cost of a new fuel pump and it'll cost the same amount to put new rings, bearings and a new timing set in my 86 firebird.....hmmm.... lol
BrianD....Thanks for serving. My husband will be going to Baghdad within the next two months.