Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
BTW good to hear from you Reef I was getting bored
just for giggles I did some displacement tests with BIoballs versus live rock and it does trend towards bioballs having the greater surface area (through lower volume displacement). though I did it with already wet rock I am currently drying (for the next 24hours or so) a couple of chunks of live rock about the size of a bioball, then I will repeate the displacement tests. I do have to say joe you may be right.
BTW good to hear from you Reef I was getting bored
just for giggles I did some displacement tests with BIoballs versus live rock and it does trend towards bioballs having the greater surface area (through lower volume displacement). though I did it with already wet rock I am currently drying (for the next 24hours or so) a couple of chunks of live rock about the size of a bioball, then I will repeate the displacement tests. I do have to say joe you may be right.