what do i need to breed clown fish


New Member
i have i 10g and a 29g and i want to breed clown fish but what do i need to breed them and can you tell a boy from a girl clown fish can some one help me !!!!


Active Member
if two are together, the bigger one is the female.
if they are initially genderless than they contest and the stronger one emerges as the female.
if one is by itself in a tank for a while then it's probably a female.
is that what you want to know?


Active Member
is the tank you house the clowns are for the specific purpose of breeding or you have other fish in there.


New Member
no i have 1clown gody and 1clown fish but i will get 1 more if they will breed but do i need a sea anemone for them to breed yes or no


Active Member
i believe they are the so-called onyx clowns but one can never be sure.
a tile? not expensive at all. it's just a regular floor tile. go to home depot and get one. what it does is it gives the female a surface to lay eggs on.


Active Member
if the objective is to breed clownfish, then i would certainly set up a new tank with the brood stock as the only inhabitants.
the more energy they spend on fending off other fish (such as damsels) the less energy they have on to breed and tend the eggs.
prior to putting the fish in, i would set up everything (tiles, pots, etc) so they don't have to get used to things over and over again.

bang guy


Originally posted by sandman12
snailheave-is ur avatar true percs. or oxyn?

They are True Percs and
Onyx Clownfish. There's no 'or' as they are both.