What do people feel about Coralife Salt

bang guy

Coralife is the only salt I've ever seen coral display a negative reaction to. I've tried most of them in the past 25 years.


I've only used coral life,(9 months) but I'm switching.I think it sucks.(you get what you pay for) here it's like 30 bucks for 150 gallons


New Member
you all should try Tropicmarin salt. It is the only one that has a gaurentee label on it and it is the best in consistency. try mixing your salt and then test it for phosphate.....you will most definatley get a reading of usually 10-15ppm. with tropicmarin you wont get that. its all i use and i dont have and problems with algae either. Its not cheap....but like tygerfifteen said....YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.


where do you all buy your salt? online or LFS... my lFS charges quite a bit... iwas wondering if there is a bulk order online, i could use a lot.
you can email any info to mvogel2@yahoo.com
thanks all



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Coralife is the only salt I've ever seen coral display a negative reaction to. I've tried most of them in the past 25 years.

Out of curiosity any specifics as to what happend with the negative reactions? I read they have a very abnormal concetration of lithium. I just want to pick your brain:D


When I recycled my tank 4 months ago I began using SeaChem salt. It seems to hold the PH up between water changes. I have not had to use any kind of buffer so far.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Coralife is the only salt I've ever seen coral display a negative reaction to. I've tried most of them in the past 25 years.

Hey Bang how do you feel about DR.Ron pointing a finger at IO for his tank problems(heavy metal build up). After I read his article I got the feeling that he placed IO at the bottom of his list, Coralife second to last, then Marinemix Bioassay and then Bio-Sea Marinemix as his top choice, it's been a couple of months since I read that..so I could be wrong


Active Member

Originally posted by jarvis
I read they have a very abnormal concetration of lithium. I just want to pick your brain:D

something like 13x the amount found in natural sea water..thats not just abnormal thats disturbing.


Active Member
Great now we are going to have a bunch of kids eating coralife searching for a high:D :p :D . No kidding it is an anti psychotic...ie for treatment of MPD, BPD, MD, and schitzo


Active Member
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm a schizophreniac that's never used Coralife,
and neither have I


JMO, but some of the most intelligent idiots I've ever met had Dr. in front of their names.
Not putting all his research down, I just wonder at times who's paying the bill for this research. IO has been around for years and up until now and that article I've never heard any really bad things about it. Sure there's probably better but I've never seen anyones tank totally crash because of using IO, the way it almost makes it sound.