What do people think after you tell them your hobby?

zack schwartz

Active Member
What do people think or say after you tell them your hobby is saltwater fishreef?? The people I told think that is intersting and odd?


Most people think it sounds cool, but they're quite shocked when they inquire about the price that goes along with it ;)

tru conch

Active Member
hmmm. kinda a toss up here.
i get strange looks from people when i tell them my two main hobbies, tattoos and aquariums. hahaha. really opposite hobbies, but i enjoy them both, and i split my finances between the two.
i figure to each his own, as long as they are not hurting anyone else.


New Member
they think its a waste of money, espeacially my girlfriend who thinks i spend more money on my fish then her, which shes right, i do.
Well, I tell just about every person I meet about my hobby. Most are amazed not only by the price but also by the idea of being to keep a saltwater tank. Alot of them just can't believe I spend so much money on my tank. I get alot of people who say I could by this or that but I just tell them that's there choice. I could never get rid of my tank. Sometimes I spend money on my tank that I really don't have.


UUUMMMM dosent everyone spend money they really dont have on their tanks??
I guess its better than spending all the money I really didnt have in high school on beer and weed :)
The most common reply is " I've heard it is really difficult to do salt water aquariums". Everyone seems to know how beautiful they are and admire me for taking the time to maintain one.


about the same her.. most people kinda think were all crazy for spending the amount of money we do just for fish and a few corals.. until they see our tanks and then it's like.. i gotta get one of those.. ha.. we gotcha!! <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


Active Member
Same here most think it's crazy expensive but sure like to come to the conversation pit around mine and look at it. :)


Everyone that knows I have a reef tank is impressed. I usually hear something like,"I would do that but I hear that it is really hard and you have alot of problems." Then I get to tell them about this board and how I have avoided alot of the common mistakes newbies make using the advice here. I encourage everyone that seems serious to come here first and learn before taking the plunge!


Active Member
Most think it really nice. But then you get into money spent and they give me a funny look. But anyone who has seen my tank has always spent a good amount of time staring or asking questions.


Most ca't believe the cost and thinks it's crazy spending that much for "fish stuff". I then compare the cost of their hobby to mine and they find out that it's not much different from the money end. When they come to see for themselves, the reponse is WOW! A couple have taken up the hobby too!

zack schwartz

Active Member
I am always telling my reltives about my tank since they can't see it. They live in NY most of them. But when everyone comes out in may for my Bar mitzah they will be so impressed!!!


Most people that I've talked to think it's odd. Especially when they hear the expense. One of my brothers thinks that I'm a total whacko for liking this, while the other brother has one too. That's okay though, I never liked the first one much anyway! ;)
Everyone that knows me and has seen my reef think that is is very cool. I never tell people how much I spend on my fish or anything else as far as that goes. I dont feel it is anyone business what I spend on what...also I dont like to brag.


People (at least at college) think it's kind of a dorkish thing to be interested in until they see it. Then they think it's really cool. Still not the best way to impress a girl though. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


After saying how cool it is it is usually followed by a " oh wow, look at that fish"
:mad: <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> Your missing the point


Everyone thinks it's really cool--big conversation piece. Then they want to know how much work it is. teehee
I try no to even go to the money aspect--they'd think I was rich and start hitting me up for money all the time.
My mom knows the expense sorta though and she just keeps reminding me that I have four kids to put through college and I should give up the hobby altogether.
Mothers man I tell ya <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" /> <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" /> <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" /> <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />