What do Victoria's Secret and frogspawn have in common?


Active Member
The answer to that question is..... My wife. I am so lucky... Yesterday I sent my wife out shopping about 40 mins from home, and I must really have been on her mind. She came back with several bags from the famous Victoria's secret, and had also stopped by our favorite lfs and bought me a three headed frag of neon green frog spawn. I love my wife and just thought I would announce it to the world thats all...


Well done sir! I've been married for about 3 weeks now, and when I came home and made dinner, then proceeded to doze off afterwards, got yelled at. So thanks for rubbing it in. ;)


Active Member
I have been married for three years, the first year is the hardest, after that its fintastic. My wife and I are a perfect fit, I go to work all day and take care of the money side of everything, she stays at home and watches our two beautiful children. I am jealous of her because she can look at our tank anytime she wants and I can't.
Sorry about your luck Dual45s. I guess handing my wife the debit card is probably what helped for me... I don't recommend it on a regular basis though, my wife could spend every dime we had and still have a wish list a mile long. (of course I could when it comes to my tank so...)


Got you guys beat
My wife of 13 years just bought me a 305 W Halide Light fixture. She is great we have our problems but as long as you talk to each other, everything will work out. She stays home and watches our four girls.


4 girls, wow. must be fun around a certain time of the month. there is only two girls plus mom and that time sucks. gotta hand it to ya.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
The answer to that question is..... My wife. I am so lucky... Yesterday I sent my wife out shopping about 40 mins from home, and I must really have been on her mind. She came back with several bags from the famous Victoria's secret, and had also stopped by our favorite lfs and bought me a three headed frag of neon green frog spawn. I love my wife and just thought I would announce it to the world thats all...
neon green...was that the color of just the frogspawn.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
neon green...was that the color of just the frogspawn.
Yes that is the color of the frog spawn, the victoria's secret stuff came in my fav color for that sort of thing (black)


Originally Posted by ScubaGuy
Got you guys beat
My wife of 13 years just bought me a 305 W Halide Light fixture. She is great we have our problems but as long as you talk to each other, everything will work out. She stays home and watches our four girls.
Swimming in the sea of estrogen ey?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
Yes that is the color of the frog spawn, the victoria's secret stuff came in my fav color for that sort of thing (black)
Sounds like a nice shopping day. Lets see some pictures.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
Sounds like a nice shopping day. Lets see some pictures.
well, the pics of my wife in her new clothes would probably get me banned, no i am sure they would, and anyways my digi is broken so i cant post any pics. SUCKS but just the same the new coral is 3 very healthy looking heads of the neon green, the tips are a rose color, it may take some time to color up a little more


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
well, the pics of my wife in her new clothes would probably get me banned, no i am sure they would, and anyways my digi is broken so i cant post any pics. SUCKS but just the same the new coral is 3 very healthy looking heads of the neon green, the tips are a rose color, it may take some time to color up a little more
Maybe you should buy her a new camera for Xmas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
The answer to that question is..... My wife. I am so lucky... Yesterday I sent my wife out shopping about 40 mins from home, and I must really have been on her mind. She came back with several bags from the famous Victoria's secret, and had also stopped by our favorite lfs and bought me a three headed frag of neon green frog spawn. I love my wife and just thought I would announce it to the world thats all...

Originally Posted by Dual45s

Well done sir! I've been married for about 3 weeks now, and when I came home and made dinner, then proceeded to doze off afterwards, got yelled at. So thanks for rubbing it in. ;)



Originally Posted by Bojik
Swimming in the sea of estrogen ey?
Yeah, but would not trade them in for anything. THey are all not of that age yet but I am looking into a time share. One week out of every month I need a place to HIDE


Originally Posted by sharkbait9

Broke and working 24 X 7


hey scubaguy - the wifey and I just had our first baby girl 2 days ago,
she went through 24 hours of BS just to end up having a C-section... :mad: but all ended up very well.... Im home for my 4 hour powernap... yes sir

any advice ??? :help: :help:
Did you have your tank when you had your first? does the passion for the SW hobby die alittle for a couple months? Im hoping I can set her in front of the tank and use it as a calming device so I can convince myself its still ok to spend the $$ on it, etc... :thinking:


Originally Posted by stsweene
hey scubaguy - the wifey and I just had our first baby girl 2 days ago,
she went through 24 hours of BS just to end up having a C-section... :mad: but all ended up very well.... Im home for my 4 hour powernap... yes sir

any advice ??? :help: :help:
Did you have your tank when you had your first? does the passion for the SW hobby die alittle for a couple months? Im hoping I can set her in front of the tank and use it as a calming device so I can convince myself its still ok to spend the $$ on it, etc... :thinking:
No I did not have the Aquarium then. But the idea of sitting in front of the tank with her is a great idea. All I can say some are sleepers 8 hours then there are some that wake up every two hours. The colors in the tank will keep her excited about it. She will take up your time but you still will have time for the tank. Just make sure that you also have time for the one who gave you the beautiful girl. Congrats on the new one also


Active Member
It is important just like Scuba guy said to make time for your wife. That was one of the most difficult things that i had to get used to. With the baby and work, it left little time for much of any thing else. You will learn how to fit the tank into your new lifestyle, but do not forget about your wife. Make sure that you are practically bugging her with so much attention. Her and the baby both, for at least the first 2-3 months. After that things will feel more normal, and you will hardly remember your life before kids. I have 2 beautiful children, and couldnt imagine my life without them. I have a hard time remembering life before them to be honest.