What do you do for a living and thinking of what i should be



i've always wanted to be a surgeon that specializes in the digestive system surgery maybe you would like that job
or you could own a pet store i really wanted to do that job maybe you could own a pet store and sell stuff dirt cheap


Hello all. I am a newbie here and to the saltwater world! I am an electrical operator for a natural gas fired power company. I get to sit and watch screens for 12 hours a day. Great money! a little boring at times though. I always say do what you like and the good stuff will follow!


I think that what everyone is trying to tell you is find somthing you want to do because you will be stuck with that profession for 30 some years. and to tell you the truth the money most likey won't come right away. In SD they have a huge calling for marine bilogy so do some research. When ever i see the marine bilogists it doesn't look like they are starving. Scrips is our major institute for marine biology. check them out they have a website. maybe you can start by doing an internship with them and go from there. Don't give up a passion for any amount of money, unless it is to be a street walker then maybe having money and being one of those is not in the cards as possible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NW2SLTFSH
IT Project Manager for a telecommunication company - also Production Desktop Support. I love it - things change constantly and it is never boring. Only Drawback I work VO and miss the social interaction that an office environment has
While Money is not everthing I am quite comfortable with the amount I make, but personally if I had to do it all over again I would go to a trade school for electrician or a plumber or any job that is pretty much never going to be able to be outsourced overseas
(But that is a subject for a whole other thread on outsourcing of IT jobs to someone making $40 a week)
The best advise to give you is make sure you are constantly learning and not getting a job and expecting it to always be there. There is no such thing as having one job for life anymore unless you are running your own successfull business.
Also at 13 I think you are far to young to decide - but it is always good to start thinking - you will change your mind about a million times. At 13 I was planning on being a cartoonist, then a physcologist then a ... well you get the point

umm well plumbers and suck never get outsource but people do hire other who work hard and for cheap ( like mkexicans) so it's almost the same thing.. dont get me wrong.. dont hate he mexicans or the outsourced workers.. they are just workers that are willing to give out more then they take in.. get mad at the people who hire/outsource the work..


Active Member
ohh and as for the what career thing.. either work hard to get to what it is you like to do.. or to settele for something you dont mind doing... but try to work toward this dream job of yours.. cuzz one you get there.. it wont no longer be a 'job' but a satisfying career
as for me.. im the guy who work as something i dont mind doing.. i do HVAC.. if you dont mind the 100def + in attics in the summer or cwarling around in the mud in crwal spaces then hey.. come jion me.. i make decent $$ as of now.. ( just got $1 raise last week) but then agin.. im only 22.. gonna turn 23 soon... well gl on deciding what it is you are going to be/do.. cuzz it's a wild ride.. you never know whats can happen..


I'm seriously considering anesthesiology but I don't know if 12 years of post-secondary is for me. But then again you get to poke people and put them to sleep :thinking: .


Originally Posted by HuntOaks
Hey FCCman...you workin the Cat???? Which refinery?? Could be worse, you could be workin the Coker!!!!
Hey jr...you want to make some good money in marine biology....get a job with one of the big oil companies that has rigs in the gulf. They use marine biologists to research and ensure that they are in harmony with the ecosystem. They get paid a ton.
Yep, workin on a CAT in Utah. I get pretty greasy sometimes but I have heard cokers are worse. Still I love operating.


Active Member
WOAH...snowflake. What the flip is up with you? Saying you're a pornstar, and making an extremely uncalled for thread about the mods on this site. Nobody appreciates what you're doing so STOP!!


Originally Posted by petieaztec
I think that what everyone is trying to tell you is find somthing you want to do because you will be stuck with that profession for 30 some years. and to tell you the truth the money most likey won't come right away. In SD they have a huge calling for marine bilogy so do some research. When ever i see the marine bilogists it doesn't look like they are starving. Scrips is our major institute for marine biology. check them out they have a website. maybe you can start by doing an internship with them and go from there. Don't give up a passion for any amount of money, unless it is to be a street walker then maybe having money and being one of those is not in the cards as possible.
Definately make sure you go for what you want to be. If you don't you will get stuck with what you don't want to be and had to settle with.
Sometimes, that is a very bad thing. I am a Veterinary receptionist. Believe me, I love the kind of work. Especially that I can be around animals. I just can't stand the people I work with. But, I have to settle. I have a family after all. I can't afford to lose the job I have and start over. So I deal and go on. Don't be this way. Find your career and go for it. Choose who you want to be and who you will be around.


Originally Posted by jr2857
What do you guys do for a living? I don't want to look at every single person's occupation box so post em here. I really want to be a marine biologist when i grow up but i heard they don't make much. I want to see what you guys do.
i have the same problem :notsure: theres a lot of of careers and i dont fit in anywhere
( i also consider being a marine biologist but also heard theyr not "major money makers'')im only freshman in high school so still have time to think
it would be cool to start a bussness


Im a criminal defense attorney, Emperor, wouldnt recommend it to you. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year=STRESS!!!! never gets a moments peace or rest without some upcoming case keeping you up at night


Right now im a cook at a mexican resturaunt but im trying to get into school for Civil Engineering. Or something with CAD...


I want to be a Heart Surgeon when I grow up. Gonna be a lot of work, but I think surgery is really interesting.
I been watching video to try and get used to it. Ai. Anybody in this field?


I'm a lead trainer in the

industry. We train people to originate loans as well as sales and marketing strategies.