What do you feed?

bang guy

It depends on the coral.
The only softies I feed directly are my Ricordea and my Gorgonian. The Gorg gets cyclop-eeze a couple times a week, the Ricordea get a piece of scallop every other day.


Active Member
My soft coral get whatever ends up in the tank when I feed the whole thing (mainly looking out for the SPS and LPS in there). I haven't been spot feeing anything for a while, but every couple of days I sprinkle freeze-dried cyclop-eeze over the whole thing, and once a week I drip in some phytoplankton and zooplankton.


So it really depends on the paticular coral (soft or hard) on what you feed it and how often...........
Do you turn off circulation pumps during feeding?
Direct feed or add to the entire tank I guess would also matter on the type of corals and type of food????


Active Member
Originally Posted by sprieto
So it really depends on the paticular coral (soft or hard) on what you feed it and how often...........
Do you turn off circulation pumps during feeding?
Direct feed or add to the entire tank I guess would also matter on the type of corals and type of food????
Yup, everyone also does things a little differently. I don't turn my powerheads/pumps off when I feed so that it gets spread around to everything in the tank, but if you're spot feeding you really should so it stays in the general target area. Spot feeding for soft coral isn't necessary, but it's helpful for some LPS and SPS, and there are a few difficult types of coral that you almost have to spot feed (sun coral, and type of LPS, comes to mind).