What do you hate?


Active Member
How about people that think an 80,000 lb truck can stop on a dime when you cut them off and hit the brakes. Here is a simple thing called physics even the biggest car today weighs 4500 lbs it get hit by a semi you are a pizza.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
how do you "suck teeth" or "crack gum" ? ? ? ?

You serious?
Well if you've never heard either of these noises, (which is HIGHLY unlikely) it would be a little hard to demonstrate on here.


Active Member
i am sure i have heard the noises, but never the descriptions of them as stated.
is cracking gum referring to chewing gum - as in the little in-mouth bubble popping, or am i way off base?


Active Member
Sucking teeth, is more done with the lips. Usually it's a sign to show displeasure with something. For example, "*Sucking teeth noise* Man, I really thought I had a good deal". You've have to have heard the noise at some point and probably do it yourself. The name "sucking teeth" threw me for a whille too, when I didn't know there's actually a name for the noise.
Cracking gun, is more like snapping. Some people are better then others, but if someone's decent, it can be a very loud, snap or cracking noise, and can be repeated very frequently.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnbob
We had a 86 year old lady in columbus a couple of years ago who burned her house down when she dropped her lit cigarette on her oxygen tank.
What! You hate 86 year old ladies who burn their houses down by dropping lit cigarettes on their oxygen tanks!


I'm thinking the sucking teeth thing more as a post dinner thing, etc. Whereas some person is attempting to remove something from said teeth with an often, high pitch, extremely annoying type of noise. Not to mention it is also disgusting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Justdugan
I'm thinking the sucking teeth thing more as a post dinner thing, etc. Whereas some person is attempting to remove something from said teeth with an often, high pitch, extremely annoying type of noise. Not to mention it is also disgusting.
that's it exactly ... even your description drives me nuts!
just to expand on the description .. you use your tongue against the teeth and suck ..

darthtang aw

Active Member
I hate all things EMO...because it is ruining the next generation of children...have you seen and heard these kids? It is like a weakwilled Grudge movement of confused hermaphrodites..........

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
that's it exactly ... even your description drives me nuts!
just to expand on the description .. you use your tongue against the teeth and suck ..

Just think how many trees they are saving by not using a toothpick like normal people. They are just doing their part for the environment.