What do you look for in a girl/guy?


Active Member

Originally posted by polarpooch
I'm not Christ, but thanks for the compliment.
Here's what your post assumes:
Conservatives can't disagree.
Only liberals like animals.
Hunters don't like animals (and can't be liberals).
Guns are only used for hunting.
Astonishing logic. Really, I'm awed.

No here is what my post assume
1. Your not christ....I am pretty sure I can prove you exist, and you are obviously not perfect, you're a conservative.
2. I totally agree...well that conservatives can disagree...but I am sure it is a ball to debate the differences that are seperated by a hairline.
3. True hunting is over no herds left to follow.
4. Your right where myself and Overnalyzer grew up guns were used to kill people. So I guess they do have a purpose other than hunting.
I'm just playing anyway..you should not take life so seriously



Originally posted by broncofish
No here is what my post assume
3. True hunting is over no herds left to follow.
4. Your right where myself and Overnalyzer grew up guns were used to kill people. So I guess they do have a purpose other than hunting.

True hunting you mean true slaughter, Broncofish I take it you don't hunt, fish, etc. It also sounds like you think that guns shoot people, people shoot poeple. It they couldn't shoot, they would stab, if they couldn't stab, they would beat each other to bloody pulp with rocks.


don't worry clown-lover. deralps is actually a good friend of mine and, not only will be at our wedding, BUT has also promised to buy us a KICK ASS wedding gift. i was hoping that he'd get us a real nice, industrial strength blender (with built-in margarita mixing pieces!). this way, you and i will spend eternity together with boombaliastic margaritas.


Oh now, don't go making me feel bad there oceanic110. I have been single far to long to be staring at photos like that.


Me no Stalkie.
If that's you KittyKitty, you should be put up on a nice pampered pedestal is all. Very beautiful.

You too polarpooch and all the ladies
that frequent this post.



Originally posted by polarpooch
Ed Norton? Liked Fight Club (the ending was weak, or I would have said "Loved"), thought he was brilliant in American History X, and thought he sucked wind in Red Dragon. Overall, he's got an intensity that is very appealing. But he's an actor, so he's probably a bleeding heart Hollywood leftist/liberal. Please don't tell me if he is. It's what ruined Tim Robbins for me. Kicked him right off my lottery list. And you know he's pretty bummed about that.

Yeah, its whats bumming me about Janeane Garofalo. Why'd she have to start that kind of radio station up :(



Originally posted by blackomne
Me no Stalkie.
If that's you KittyKitty, you should be put up on a nice pampered pedestal is all. Very beautiful.

You too polarpooch and all the ladies
that frequent this post.

it is me.



Originally posted by oceanic110
If anyone would be a stalker I think it would be purity.

nah, purity's got his head screwed on just right.
he wouldn't be a stalker.


Don Diego de la Vega:You have passion, Alejandro, and your skill is growing. But to enter Montero's world, I must give you something which is completely beyond your reach.
Alejandro Murrieta: Ah, yes? And what is that?
Don Diego de la Vega: Charm.


I just want to clear up your ranting. I NEVER have or will beat my wife. I do however love my wife incredibly and love instead to massage her, help her with our baby all the time(even though I work very hard and see stays home),
are you trying to say that staying at home isn't hard work? and you are the only one who has to work hard? My mother is a housewife and her job is much harder than any...i guarentee!
She also knows that even after all she has done I have still managed (at 23) to make more money than her
the money factor is a man's way in a relationship to "feel" like a man. I have only been happy with men who are ok with the fact that I make more money than they do. I don't need a man to 'take care of me' with MONEY
"I like to be with a man I feel is superior to me because it makes me feel secure. He can physically wrap me up in his arms and make me feel secure, and he can deal with any situation at anytime without me needing to feel like I have to do anything to help."
Yes, this may be how your wife feels, but don't make the assumption that all women or MOST women either, feel like this. If a woman can't feel secure in her own skin, there's a problem.(or a man for that matter). One should have independance in themselves! not go out and hope for another to take care of all thier problems for them. Man or Woman.
My wife admits she has insecurities (as most woman have),
everyone has insecurities...not just women!!!
I would say that if a woman really wanted a man she would stop trying to prove that she is an equal on all fronts to him
we've all gathered that you don't see men and women as equals.
instead start trying to act like a woman support him being a man
are you insisting that a womans place is at home to take care of baby and to support the man? Yes there should be support...but from both partners to eachother...it's a two way street
If men looking for equals we would be gay
so now you have a problem with gay people? I won't even start on that one.
This doesn't apply to all woman since some of the smartest people I know are woman. BUT, either they are single because in their words "I just haven't found the right guy." What I know it really means though is I haven't found a guy that can best me and make me feel secure.
I can't believe how insecure you are by a woman who is independant and successful. Women have to work twice as hard as men, even in the same position as a man, to prove that they are capable of doing the same job. Only because men like you can't accept women being able to do everything that men have done for centuries. It's no wonder these women have no time for a full time relationship. and on that note, why is it OK for men to have no wife and be successful....they are seen as a buissness only man, but to you if it were a woman, she would be living a single, unhappy, unfullfilled life.
If you don't agree, then you really don't want a MAN
no, I don't agree, and i do have a man (who isn't as insecure as you in beautiful successful women)
you want a child who you can control
more like, you want a woman that you can overbear with your words of 'wisdom' of a man's 'responsibilities'
you seem like one of those guys who comes home after work, complains about his HARD day, and demands dinner on the table in a hour.
Which proves my theory on all woman want to be mothers,
wait, you are the FATHER with the child at the young age of 23, who are you to judge?