What do you look for in a girl/guy?


Active Member
whoa, I just came back to this. Thanks Clownlover!!
Well said, I am a strong independant person who has the same kind of husband. When I got married it was not to have someone to shelter me, take care of me. I thought it was to share our lives together. Hell, I lived on my own for several years after college while dating him. We got married to support and care for each other. I don't seek to be controled or be controling. And there is not a job harder in the world than being a parent, shared responsibilites of course.


Active Member
Damn that girl is hot! But pooch still has a special place in my heart. Pooch is #1 in hottness!! American muscle cars, japanese bikes, guns, sw fish tanks, strong willed and HOT on top of all that?!?! Come on!! You just can't beat that. I like a chic that would probably try to kick my ass if I ever tried to kick hers. HOT!!!!:happy: And she has a cool dog too!!


Active Member
CL, well I am a dude and I completely agree with what you said. When my wife and I were dating we both made about the same amount of money. After we got married she got some great promotions at work, changed jobs a couple of times and started making a lot more than me. She is also in a highly techincal field so that helped money wise as well. Hey we are a couple so it does not matter who is making the money. Well life got a little tough with the kids so I told her I would quit my job. My work made me an offer I could not refuse. They made a part time postion for me so that way I could take care of the kids after school. Well about 6 months ago I got laid off. So now I take care of the house (well kind of) and take care of the kids. Neither one of us is in a hurry for me to get back to work. She does not have to get the kids ready and off to school and then go into work. The kids are doing well and doing great at school. Ironically my wife is doing so well that we are making as much money as when I was going to quit my job. But one thing that we realized is that it is not the amount of money that you make, but the quality of life.
Purity sorry if this is a thread jack. Now back to our original progamming.


Very cool Scotts! :) Well not a woman, atleast last time I checked lol That was good to hear CL's reply! How can we have our happiness/security rely on someone else and expect to be happy?


Scotts, sounds like you are happy in your own skin and your wife as well, that's what I like to hear. I must say, congradulations on your family, ya'll have a great team there!

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Mayo
what kind of bikes you guys ride ?
My Honda CBR F4i just got stolen

My buddy just got a great deal on a used cbr f4I....

Just kiddin, hope you had insurance, sportbikes get stolen all the time. I ride a gixxer.