What do you supplement?


Active Member
For a 24g nano with soft corals in it should I be putting any supplements in? Or do you think the tank should do fine on its own, do the corals, shrimp, and what ever else need anything besides food, a cuc, frequent water changes, and your basic parameter tests (p.h., ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, s.g.)?
If you need more info to help answer my question here is my latest full stock list and test results:
Parameters 10-2-09:
SG: 1.025
Temp: 78
Ph: 8.2
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 5
stock list:
Peppermint shrimp (I will be returning it today)
3 nassarius snails
3 astrea snails
1 stometella snail (hitchhiker)
6 medium blue leg hermits
2 scarlet hermits
1 emerald crab (hitchhiker)
2 ocellaris clowns
1 Okinawa Goby (sounds better then yellow clown goby hahaha)
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 green torch coral with 4 heads
Red brain coral
piece of rock with a ton of purple/blue mushrooms
Brown button polyps
Green star polyps
Fire and Ice Zooanthids
Pumping zenia
about 12 lbs LR
20 lbs LS
Future wants:
2 Pom Pom Crabs
3 sexy shrimp
gazillion corals
What do you guys put in your tank "supplement wise"?

bang guy

When I had a nano the only supplement I used was a limewater autodrip to replace evaporated water.