What do you think about s-e-x education being taught in the classroom?


Active Member
I started thinking about this issue because there is some local debate regarding s-e-x ed. The issue in this area is whether certain controversial material can be taught in this class to 7th and 9th graders. The material had to do with displaying how a condom is used (with an inanimate object... get your minds out of the gutter). The school board unanimously approved this content, much to the outrage of a lot of parents.
I have mixed feelings about this. At first impression, I think that 7th graders don't really need to learn about the graphic details unless the parents decide to teach it. I like to leave the moral and ethical teachings to the parents. However the more I think about it, the more I think that parents probably have a tougher time talking to their 13-15 year old kids than a teacher might.
If I sit down my 14 year old daughter and teach her about condoms, birth control, pregnancy, etc, isn't it going to then be difficult to let her know that I'll kick her butt if she ever makes that decision at a young age? Isn't talking about those personal things condoning them, in a teen's eyes? Possibly a professional teacher, who has been trained to teach the subject, in a group setting, will be much more effective and less awkward for everyone involved. And then, when the child comes home I can say that I'll kill her if she ever engages in s-e-xual activity. Probably easier as a parent to set the limits when it's not me discussing safe s-e-x.
On the other hand, though, s-e-x education brings up the issue of where do you draw the line. If it's ok to discuss s-e-x ed in the classroom, does the parent then lose the right to prevent any content from being discussed? A lot of people may be ok with s-e-x ed but do not want their 13 year olds learning about homosexuality, abortion, deviant s-e-xual behavior and other ethical issues.
What do you think?


Active Member
I don't understand, are you asking if se-x ed. should/shouldn't be taught at all, or just those expanded topics, like illustrated condom use?
I was under the impression se-x ed. was being taught to 6th-8th graders? We learned about it in 6th grade however many years ago. And we did have guidelines, we couldn't talk about deviant acts, self serving, etc.


Active Member
kids are getting pregnant at 12...
imo, i think the school should be in contact with the parents first, explaining what the curiculum is, and give the parents the chance to have the talk first.
that way, if the parents don't do it, the school does and the parents can't have anything to be ticked about.
my daughter won't be going on dates till she's thirty, so this doesnt affect me


Active Member
We had to do that. The parents had to sign and the student returned a syllabus about the class. If the parents didn't want you taking the class you didn't have to. Wasn't really a 'class' just a couple days of science class dedicated to it.

nacl freak

My experience as a nurse, has been that most kids this age already know the basics and more. The thing they do lack is education and wisdom in making choices. Would it surprise you to know there are 3rd and 4th graders out there who are sexually active? Teaching the morals and how to make wise choices are I believe the parents responsibility. Teaching how to prevent STD's and unwanted preg in schools are in my opinion warrented.


Active Member
is illegal at that age it is ----. imo doing stuff like that is just like showing people how to safely shoot up oh wait they have programs for that to.


Active Member
Many of these students at that age already have a pretty good idea of what is going on...if they aren't already doing it or experiementing. Not everyone, but I would say more than half. This is the age were much of the experimentation in my opinion occurs..
The issue is that the majority of parents don't discuss this with their children because they feel uncomfortable... and/or vice versa. I've heard of many schools who have daycares in the school... so abstainenance and protection education should be taught.... Its only the few who learn about this through parents and churches....and the majority who learn through peers.


Active Member
I agree that many children learn about s-e-x from their peers. However learning about the physical act is only a small part of the necessary education. As previously mentioned, safety and disease prevention is probably not commonly discussed among children. Neither is birth control, abortion, pregnancy and the multitude of other things that they will not learn about from peers.
However allowing s-e-x education to be taught in school is giving a lot of trust to the teacher. If the teacher goes beyond the curriculum, or allows the lesson to become unnecessarily graphic, then the parent loses the ability to control what the child sees/hears.


Active Member
I think it should not be taught in taxpayer funded schools. and if it should be, it should be high school and not 6th/7th grade. it's illegal to have s-e-x with someone of that age, so why should they be teaching it at that age? maybe they should teach cigarette smoking and "responsible drinking" as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
However allowing s-e-x education to be taught in school is giving a lot of trust to the teacher. If the teacher goes beyond the curriculum, or allows the lesson to become unnecessarily graphic, then the parent loses the ability to control what the child sees/hears.
Well, there's only so much you can do. I mean, if you're a black man, you could be shot at a gas station.


Active Member
Until they require a permit or something for parents to have kids I think absolutely it should be taught in schools. The world is full of dumb people who have kids. I live near a 13 yr old girl that is pregnant. I seriously doubt her dead beat parents gave her the "talk."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
I think it should not be taught in taxpayer funded schools. and if it should be, it should be high school and not 6th/7th grade. it's illegal to have s-e-x with someone of that age, so why should they be teaching it at that age? maybe they should teach cigarette smoking and "responsible drinking" as well.
I did many things that would have been considered illegal in high school... basically all of the above... They do have DARE programs for drugs/alchohol...
I also began having "contact" when I was in the 6th/7th grade... people shouldn't be naive to believe kids aren't going much..much further... all the stories I've heard about bracelets being symbols for "favors" offered.... kids are going all the way now in junior high and in some cases younger... heck...even the teachers are getting on it... it would be my opinion that with these women teachers that are involved w/ these students... its not the student's first time in the majority of cases.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
or held up by him... why bring race into this?
I was just comparing what crimzy said about fearing that teachers above and beyond the curriculum to the supposed great fear black males have going to the gas station according to Mrs. Obama...
I was trying to say there is only so much you can do. Sort of like, somebody might fall asleep at the wheel at 3am. Should be ban driving at that time just because of one person.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
you're very naive...
just cause it's illegal, you don't think it's happening?
so you think that because "it's happening", then government schools paid for by taxpayers should be teaching it? so you're saying the schools should teach the children to do something they can't legally do? good logic. like I said, they should start teaching classes on drinking and smoking as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
I think it should not be taught in taxpayer funded schools. and if it should be, it should be high school and not 6th/7th grade. it's illegal to have s-e-x with someone of that age, so why should they be teaching it at that age? maybe they should teach cigarette smoking and "responsible drinking" as well.
Good point.

(Can't believe I just said that to Pontius.
I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I did many things that would have been considered illegal in high school... basically all of the above... They do have DARE programs for drugs/alchohol...
I also began having "contact" when I was in the 6th/7th grade... people shouldn't be naive to believe kids aren't going much..much further... all the stories I've heard about bracelets being symbols for "favors" offered.... kids are going all the way now in junior high and in some cases younger... heck...even the teachers are getting on it... it would be my opinion that with these women teachers that are involved w/ these students... its not the student's first time in the majority of cases.
nobody's said it's not happening. the question of the thread is SHOULD IT BE TAUGHT IN SCHOOL, not ARE CHILDREN HAVING S-E-X. and I said, no, it shouldn't be. if a parent doesn't want their 12 year old taught about s-e-x by government employees, then it should not be happening.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Good point.

(Can't believe I just said that to Pontius.
I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day...
exactly, you are right in this case. it's strange feeling to be right, huh?