For some reason S-E-X is taboo to talk about let alone talk about it in school. Like stated above girls are getting pregnant at earlier ages today, so wake up and pull your heads out of the sand.
Just google the subject and read the array of articles about the situation.
Girls today will save their virg-inity for later but will perform other acts “because its not really S_E_X.
I defy anyone including my self to sit down with a child and talk about --- in professional manor and illustrate the proper techniques of con_dom usage with adequate space for the reservoir, snug fit and so on. Let alone talk about other forms of birth control.
The parent will most likely get red in the face and be uncomfortable and like wise the child is either going to be uncomfortable or ignore the lesson.
S_E_X is everywhere now, on tv in the movies, songs and most discussed with friends and peers. To sit their and turn a blind eye to the issue is not solving anything and putting these children is danger.
Its 2008 it not like the 50 and 60 where “learn it on the street” mentality is ok now. Children are exposed and curious about the subject, it human nature and as parents try and protect our kids but only jeopardize them.
Face reality kids are going to try it, experiment and plain old engage in the acts.
When I was in school you either got to first base, second base or third base. A home run was junior senior year at prom.
Originally Posted by
maybe they should teach cigarette smoking and "responsible drinking" as well.
That is such an old school way of thinking and rebuttal.
They do, in health class, the dangers of smoking and alcohol. They show pictures and discuss the danger and the damaged caused to lungs, liver, mouth and all effected parts of the body to smoking and drinking alcohol and hard truth reality of alcohol related accidents.
Why is broadening a students mind a bad thing? Why is sending a student out into the world with REAL WORLD KNOWLEDGE a bad thing? Why do parents want their kids left in the dark about real issues in their life? Why not let your children have the fact and knowledge to combat the peer pressure about S_E_X AND teen pre_gnancy.
Its only going to help your kids in the long run and maybe save you the head ach of a teen preg_nancy