What do you think about the Pope's comments?


Active Member
Well I am not going to say much because I think many muslims are proving the pope right. He makes some comments and now muslims are killing nuns, declaring war and say that the pope must die. Hmmm, seems like muslims like violence to me.


he already apologized twice but it doesn't matter. RIOTS & PROTESTS AROUND THE WORLD!!! i love the form of protesting too- throwing firebombs in churches to dispell the notion that you're a violent nation.
geez. next thing y'know they'll be stupid enough to get violent over a cartoon strip...


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
Well I am not going to say much because I think many muslims are proving the pope right. He makes some comments and now muslims are killing nuns, declaring war and say that the pope must die. Hmmm, seems like muslims like violence to me.
Amazingly ironic that the Pope quotes someone talking about the violence of islam and muslims react by being violent; At the same time they are demanding he retract his statement... :notsure:
The Pope should have just held up a newspaper yesterday and said "Case in point... any questions?"


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
geez. next thing y'know they'll be stupid enough to get violent over a cartoon strip...
already happened... i am pretty sure that was a sarchastic comment but just wanted to make sure...


twas sarcastic. on the bright side folks, these people make for good entertainment. i love laughing at stupid people. especially stupid angry people. it's so funny to watch em spout off angry crap that most of them don't even realize what they're saying.
just yesterday i watched some little 5-year old girl throw a temper tantrum at Walmart. she started throwing toys at her weak mother. totally cracked me up!


Active Member
As a Catholic, I agree mostly with what he says.
I don't think that there was a need to apologize, unless I'm missing some vital information here.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I don't think that there was a need to apologize, unless I'm missing some vital information here.
common sense agrees with you. however, the need to be politically correct doesn't. if there's 2 things that will never stop conflicting it'll be politics and common sense.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
common sense agrees with you. however, the need to be politically correct doesn't. if there's 2 things that will never stop conflicting it'll be politics and common sense.
Hmm... I'd possibly amend your statement to say "political correctness and common sense"


Since when did the POPE have to be politically correct? It's not like he runs for re-election. It's his job to tell it like it is. If you have yellow feet, waddle, and run around shouting AFLAC he should call you a duck...not a misunderstood swan with tendencies toward self-delusion!
You are free to disagree with me. I'm not a violent person...I'll just start a riot to prove I'm a pacifist. Go ahead have another point of view than mine! Come on say it...I'm loading my gun and sharpening my sword. I said I'M NOT VIOLENT!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by scgator
Since when did the POPE have to be politically correct? It's not like he runs for re-election. It's his job to tell it like it is. If you have yellow feet, waddle, and run around shouting AFLAC he should call you a duck...not a misunderstood swan with tendencies toward self-delusion!
dude the catholic church has always been EXTREMELY political. world history will prove that. hell, the pope even turned a blind eye towards the Nazis due to the politics that they were in. the pope doesn't do what he does in hopes for re-election. he takes his actions and makes his stances with an overall goal of maintaining the catholic church's strong influence.


The pope did not appologize twice.matter of fact he never appologized, all he did was merely state hge was sorry for any trouble it caused, and I for one hope the heck he never applogies to those low life dredges of the muslim faith that need to be eradicated like a bad dose of flatworms....screw a bunch of ragheads without any regards for any other religion or ethnic group........nuke em all! And allyou nay sayers, what is it your gonna choose to be.........a muslim or dead! Afterall its the only to choices they are giving anyone is it not. yet some jerks will gladly bow down to those animals and kiss their feet. I think the pope is a big

though and will eventually cave in to pressure and applogize to the animals.


Active Member
Hehe, woaaaah everyone...
I think everyone on this thread has said basically the same thing... I think we all agree the pope had every right to say what he said and that he was right.
Seems like maybe a couple of folks misread a post or 2.

sign guy

Active Member
who is crazy enough to disagree. The pope had every right to say what he did + remember, All he did was read a 600 yr old thoery, aperently a correct one at that.


Originally Posted by soto
common sense agrees with you. however, the need to be politically correct doesn't. if there's 2 things that will never stop conflicting it'll be politics and common sense.

ahahaha! right in every way!