What do you think about the Pope's comments?


I'm more concerned with his views on the Harry Potter books! All of this coming from an excorcist....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Torno
I'm more concerned with his views on the Harry Potter books! All of this coming from an excorcist....

The church believes in "posession" so I'm confused about the excorcism remark :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Amazingly ironic that the Pope quotes someone talking about the violence of islam and muslims react by being violent; At the same time they are demanding he retract his statement... :notsure:
The Pope should have just held up a newspaper yesterday and said "Case in point... any questions?"
Muslims are getting out of control. I like the idea of a nuk and turn it all into a big glass lot.


i see in no way how that was offensive... as soon as someone said something that could be construed as offensive they started acting out violently, but with a cause... without a cause they would be terrorists, with a cause, they're just getting revenge... crazy how that works, right?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
He's a religious leader not a celebrity.....
the president is a leader not a celebrity and he has rules on what not to say wether he takes the advise or not is his deal.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
i see in no way how that was offensive... as soon as someone said something that could be construed as offensive they started acting out violently, but with a cause... without a cause they would be terrorists, with a cause, they're just getting revenge... crazy how that works, right?
jen its the differnce in calling someone Phat and Fat. both the same word only they have diferent meanings. but you all have to realize it is NOT all muslims getting out of control. just a small uneducated faction. and yes a little ignorance goes a long way. and i guess i should have called the publisist an ADVISOR my bad. but the pope does have people telling him what to say and not to say.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sharkbait9
Muslims are getting out of control. I like the idea of a nuk and turn it all into a big glass lot.

I was against this sort of thinking awhile back but now not so much. I mean the muslims are proving even more than what the Pope was trying to say and that Islam preaches violence. I know that a lot of religions have blood on their hands if you go back through time but now there seems only to be one religion (if you want to call it that) that sees nothing wrong in violence. I mean kill a nun because you don't like what the Pope says. C'mon, next thing you know people will be killing sting rays because of Steve's accident. (sarchastically speaking of course). We are also going to keep making the same sort of statements about looking for a diplomatic solution to get Iran to stop the pursuit for nuclear weapons. They aren't going to stop because they know the world isn't going to do anything to them. Then radical muslims will have nukes and believe me that they won't stay contained in Iran. Syria, Hezbollah, Al-Quaida, ... will all be getting them!


it is just really hard to pick out who is "the enemy" and who is not. i don't know very much about thgeir religon so im not even going to agree or disagree with the pope. but i do disagree with killing nuns or anyone of christianic faith. those men who committed murder are murderers and should be found and prosecuted.... anyone who wants to through a riot about it can go to jail with the murders. and that is that.


honey, he was quoting an old document... and as a group, muslims are violent. That doesn't say all of them are, but most of them are. It's like calling asian people short... true, there are quite a few tall ones, but most of them are short. It's not offensive (i hope not) because they are...
the enemy is the group that thinks it's ok to bomb churches because they don't like what the pope (of a completely different religion) said. It doesn't make sense. I don't care how offensive something is, you don't bomb and kill people because you don't like what their leader said!


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
it is just really hard to pick out who is "the enemy" and who is not. i don't know very much about thgeir religon so im not even going to agree or disagree with the pope. but i do disagree with killing nuns or anyone of christianic faith. those men who committed murder are murderers and should be found and prosecuted.... anyone who wants to through a riot about it can go to jail with the murders. and that is that.

What ever happened to the O'l saying? oh how does it go......... oh yeah, if your not with us your against us and if your against us then your an ENEMY.
Can't say that any more, that’s not PC, that’s horrible to think like that. Well guess what the way things are going we won't be free to think, act or dress they way we want, cause bleeding hearts have got to much of a big mouth.


Originally Posted by hot883
Any race that wipes their anus with their hands need to be eradicated.
Exactly what appendage do you use for the task?

Originally Posted by 37g Joe

Your mixing up arabs and muslims yes their are alot of arab muslims but not everyone that is a muslim is arab and not every one who is arab is a muslim.
To be more specific to this thread- Not ALL Muslims are terrorists, but 98% of all terrorists are Muslims.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
the president is a leader not a celebrity and he has rules on what not to say wether he takes the advise or not is his deal.
But he is "elected" by the people. He answers to the people.
A religious leader is different. They answer to God first and foremost. You can't sugarcoat everything in the Bible. The road to hell is paved with watered down theology.
I'm glad the dang Pope spoke up. Islam is a giant elephant that no one wants to speak out against.....


The church does believe in possession, which in my opinion is just as farfetch'd as the Harry Potter books. How can he find those so outraging and devilish when he believes in things of similar nature? Also, no one claimed the Harry Potter books were real, they're stories! D'ya think if he'd actually read them, he'd have different views? I do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by djm
Exactly what appendage do you use for the task?

To be more specific to this thread- Not ALL Muslims are terrorists, but 98% of all terrorists are Muslims.
When abortion clinics were attacked many Christian leaders including the Pope spoke out against it. But why dont Muslims leaders condem terrorism the same way? :thinking:


my thoughts on the whole thing
the pope was wrong to say that...
until the uneducated fools proved him right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Torno
The church does believe in possession, which in my opinion is just as farfetch'd as the Harry Potter books. How can he find those so outraging and devilish when he believes in things of similar nature? Also, no one claimed the Harry Potter books were real, they're stories! D'ya think if he'd actually read them, he'd have different views? I do.
Well, that's not really a fair comparison. The Pope obviously believes in the Bible, the Bible explains possession, the Bible warns against "witchcraft, so why shouldn't the Pope state his beliefs?
Now, you certainly can choose not to believe in the Pope or the Bible, but you can't really give the head of the Catholic church grief for believing what the Bible teaches. Also, to compare what the Bible teaches to a Harry Potter book is moderately outlandish (and probably best left to a new thread)
I didn't hear what the Pope said about Harry Potter. I suspect it was a warning against witchcraft, but I could be wrong. And don't get me wrong, I'm not a Christian who thinks kids dressing up for Halloween is wrong or going to see a Sci-Fi movie will earn me a trip to Hell. Like I said before, however, if the guy is going to be Pope he has to adhere to biblical principles.


and Harry Potter sux by the way. silliest goofball set of flicks i've ever had to endure. HOW people compare em to Lord of the Rings is beyond me.