What do you think about the Pope's comments?


Originally Posted by Torno
Did you happen to actually read the books, or are you taking all of this from seeing a few of the movies? The movies don't even compare to the books. I attempted to read LOTR, but I fell asleep halfway through the hobbit.
Is it possible you hate them so much because you can't read/don't understand them?

i can't read. but even if i could i couldn't possibly comprehend the complexity and deep-rooted messages that all carress the human spirit and soul within the epic pages of.........what a minute; what were we talkin about again?


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Good for you if you like HP.
Good for you if you don't.
I don't sit here and insult what you like to your face.
If someone likes something you don't like, let that be that.
I happen to love HP very much, but I could care less for LotR. A VERY few gave a shat about it before it was made into a movie. I'm one of the FEW FEW who didn't like it then and still continues to not. That is my personal preference; I will NOT sit here and bash you or it. Maybe that's just me being considerate. :notsure:
no i think it's you just not havin any fun. bash away. it's just a message board. don't worry about my feelings. i'm a tough cookie.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
Well when you go to turkey....... the gateway to the middle east that is not appropriate to say.
Just to clarify, the Pope was/is planning a trip to Turkey, but wasn't there when he said this.
I understand what you're saying. I majored in Biology so I took my fair share of hits for being a Christian and a scientist. To me it makes sense... hard to study the complexity of life and not believe in a "creator" but that's a different subject...
The church has done things in the past to be ashamed of (like persecuting us poor Baptists
) but we've got to move beyond the occurences of hundreds of years ago.
Like I said earlier, I'm glad the Pope said what he did. I think we need a lot more of it. The dark little secret that no one wants to talk about is that Christianity and Islam can't coexist. That's according to Islam.
Take for instance the nun who was murdered. Did Catholics start burning down mosques and demanding muslims apologize?
Imho, it's time people got off the fence. Religion is more than going to church on holidays and fire insurance. Being a Christian has nothing to do with what church your grandparents went too. The Bible is pretty clear on what being a Christian means. The Koran is pretty clear on how "infidels" should be treated and what are acceptable violent methods to spread Islam.
As I said, they can't coexist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
then why would you be confrontational? especially on my birthday! geeeezzz.....

Happy birthday Soto! :cheer:


trust me my beliefs go beyond my grandparents views but i do here what you are saying...... but my whole first comment was that i could see how what he said was offensive even if it was quoting someone else. now i bored with the subject so will move on.


Originally Posted by petieaztec
P.S. Happy bday soto
have you ever tried oreo cookie pie????? yummy

why thank you.
not too into stuff that's oreo flavored and here's why: you only get the chocolate flavor, not the filling. and it's a cheap bitter chocolate. yet oreos themselves are still great because they're fun to eat. the filling is what truely makes the oreo, not the chocolate. otherwise they wouldn't have Double Stuff. course they don't make any versions with extra cookie. why? cause it's a crummy cheap chocolate flavor. it also promotes communism so WATCH OUT!!


lmao, what's with you and communism?
and just fyi, oreos are only good when dipped in milk. When you do that, the chocolate cookie part melts away (if you do it right), and you're basically left with the filling. It's awesome! and the oreo creme pie tastes more like the filling than the cookie, therefore, by your standards, you'd like the pie.


very good point Jen. also, you save time from drinking milk cause the cheap cookie usually harnesses adequate cow juice during the dunk.


Active Member
i like oreo pizza...

Harry Potter is good...
ummm... happy bday soto...
and... ummm...
to jd... (i dont know why... just felt the need...)
The Pope is not elected by the people BTW...


and technically he's elected by the people that are elected to elect him..
now elect is a funny word.. te hehehe