What do you think about the Pope's comments?



WHAT??? that's it, i cannot be friends with you...
but harry potter and lotr are nothing alike, and i also cannot stand it when people compare them together... btw, lotr looks AMAZING on my new 42" wide-screen plasma tv... MMMMMM!!!
and as always, i'm with journeyman... you can just do the speaking for both of us!
am i'm sure the pope has spoken out or will speak out against many other books and movies pertaining to witchcraft, but the harry potter one stuck out so much because it's so well known and loved by many people...


Originally Posted by jdragunas
WHAT??? that's it, i cannot be friends with you...
but harry potter and lotr are nothing alike, and i also cannot stand it when people compare them together... btw, lotr looks AMAZING on my new 42" wide-screen plasma tv... MMMMMM!!!
You're exactly right! they're nothing alike. one of em sux and the other one rules. it's like comparing 6 beers with the plastic ring binder they came with.


lol! they're NOTHING alike, you're right about that! but neither of them suck!!! I'll fight with you to the death on that one!!!


Originally Posted by jdragunas
lol! they're NOTHING alike, you're right about that! but neither of them suck!!! I'll fight with you to the death on that one!!!
let's begin then. harry potter sucks because:
1) the 'hero' is a nerdy uncharasmatic twit who always comes out ahead because of luck and never skill.
2) his nancy-boy friend is ALWAYS afraid of EVERYTHING. everything scares him and i wish i was his age again just so i could punch him.
3) the villains aren't evil. just stupid. they have dumb methods to carry out pointless conquests that are easily foiled in most predictable and silly manners.
4) these movies are geared for kids. LAME. kid movies are only good if adults can laugh too. most adults like Harry Potter just because it makes their kids happy. Cars, Incredibles, Toy Story, Nemo....these are good kid movies that adults can appreciate too.
5) a witch school? pointless. there's no purpose for a witch school. and the instructors are creeps. i'd feel more comfortable with michael jackson as my teacher than these lazy-eyed goombas.
6) the overall element of fantasy & creativity is just plain stupid. it doesn't condone imagination whatsoever. it condones irritating sillyness. lightspeed buses, broomstick polo, moving maps, etc. this is only fun if you're on acid but you'd still go on a bad trip cause you'd just wanna punch his wussy friend the whole time. and Fantasia & Alice n' Wonderland are WAYYY better in those regards.
7) the author just wrote a bunch of goofy stories loaded with shannigans that were all hand-me-downs from nearly every disney movie and previously written fantasy novel in the last century. NO originality at all. original creative authors are Tolkien, Bradburry, and C.S. Lewis. original creative moviemakers are Lucas, Speilberg, and Carpenter. Harry Potter is garbage.
8) and what a creepy name too. Harry Potter??? we couldn't do better than THAT??? people with names like that belong behind the counter at the DMV and nowhere else.
there's more reasons on why this movie series is the ultimate cinematic labotomy but i gotta actually get back to work.


course it isn't all bad. here's some reasons on why Harry Potter is good:
1) there's a rumor that he's going to die in the next film.
2) his other friend, the girl. she's cool. if it weren't for her then these kids would have been killed wayyyy long ago. she's the only hero with courage.
3) she's getting older too! i'm seeing a career path following in the footsteps of Alyssa Milano. ever seen embrace of the vampire...??
there are no other reasons at all.


I dont believe the Holy Father can speak what he wants, he just follows the teaching of the bible, and catechism the catholic church. If speaking the truth upsets people then it does. He represents God not a political party. I truly believe he is sorry it upset people, but he should not appologize for speaking the truth.


Originally Posted by soto
let's begin then. harry potter sucks because:
1) the 'hero' is a nerdy uncharasmatic twit who always comes out ahead because of luck and never skill.
2) his nancy-boy friend is ALWAYS afraid of EVERYTHING. everything scares him and i wish i was his age again just so i could punch him.
3) the villains aren't evil. just stupid. they have dumb methods to carry out pointless conquests that are easily foiled in most predictable and silly manners.
4) these movies are geared for kids. LAME. kid movies are only good if adults can laugh too. most adults like Harry Potter just because it makes their kids happy. Cars, Incredibles, Toy Story, Nemo....these are good kid movies that adults can appreciate too.
5) a witch school? pointless. there's no purpose for a witch school. and the instructors are creeps. i'd feel more comfortable with michael jackson as my teacher than these lazy-eyed goombas.
6) the overall element of fantasy & creativity is just plain stupid. it doesn't condone imagination whatsoever. it condones irritating sillyness. lightspeed buses, broomstick polo, moving maps, etc. this is only fun if you're on acid but you'd still go on a bad trip cause you'd just wanna punch his wussy friend the whole time. and Fantasia & Alice n' Wonderland are WAYYY better in those regards.
7) the author just wrote a bunch of goofy stories loaded with shannigans that were all hand-me-downs from nearly every disney movie and previously written fantasy novel in the last century. NO originality at all. original creative authors are Tolkien, Bradburry, and C.S. Lewis. original creative moviemakers are Lucas, Speilberg, and Carpenter. Harry Potter is garbage.
8) and what a creepy name too. Harry Potter??? we couldn't do better than THAT??? people with names like that belong behind the counter at the DMV and nowhere else.
there's more reasons on why this movie series is the ultimate cinematic labotomy but i gotta actually get back to work.


Did you happen to actually read the books, or are you taking all of this from seeing a few of the movies? The movies don't even compare to the books. I attempted to read LOTR, but I fell asleep halfway through the hobbit.
Is it possible you hate them so much because you can't read/don't understand them?


Active Member
Good for you if you like HP.
Good for you if you don't.
I don't sit here and insult what you like to your face.
If someone likes something you don't like, let that be that.
I happen to love HP very much, but I could care less for LotR. A VERY few gave a shat about it before it was made into a movie. I'm one of the FEW FEW who didn't like it then and still continues to not. That is my personal preference; I will NOT sit here and bash you or it. Maybe that's just me being considerate. :notsure:


Active Member
I <3 you too.
I <3 everyone.
Except that one guy. He sucks.
Oh oh, and Santa Claus. Muther effer didn't leave me shitt last year! :mad:


Active Member
ImUr, I think the anti-HP thing was a Soto/JDragunas thing... Don't think it was directed at you or anyone else in particular.

As to LOtR, I think it went the other way around... it had a HUGE fan club. That's what sent it through the roof at the theatres.


Originally Posted by soto
5) a witch school? pointless. there's no purpose for a witch school. and the instructors are creeps. i'd feel more comfortable with michael jackson as my teacher than these lazy-eyed goombas.
Michael Jackson.....


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
But he is "elected" by the people. He answers to the people.
A religious leader is different. They answer to God first and foremost. You can't sugarcoat everything in the Bible. The road to hell is paved with watered down theology.
I'm glad the dang Pope spoke up. Islam is a giant elephant that no one wants to speak out against.....
Well when you go to turkey....... the gateway to the middle east that is not appropriate to say. I am just glad that i am not a public figure and yes it does matter what a public figure says. since the pope represents my religon CATHOLICS i do care how he represents me. maybe since im from Cali i have learned tolerance or maybe it was since my family had the unfortunate occurance of being catholic in the time of nazi germany. I also know how it feels everyday to be put down for believing. I am a scientist and some of my collegues put me down for going through a biological schooling and still believing in a deity. Even when you quote someone else you can sound like those are your opinions. the media
always take everything out of context and that is probably what happened here. the people of alqueda (sp?) don't have eduaction like we do and therefore are brain washed very easily. Hate= ignorance. anyways.......... Im not a good writer so decifer what you will.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
Well when you go to turkey....... the gateway to the middle east that is not appropriate to say. I am just glad that i am not a public figure and yes it does matter what a public figure says. since the pope represents my religon CATHOLICS i do care how he represents me. maybe since im from Cali i have learned tolerance or maybe it was since my family had the unfortunate occurance of being catholic in the time of nazi germany. I also know how it feels everyday to be put down for believing. I am a scientist and some of my collegues put me down for going through a biological schooling and still believing in a deity. Even when you quote someone else you can sound like those are your opinions. the media
always take everything out of context and that is probably what happened here. the people of alqueda (sp?) don't have eduaction like we do and therefore are brain washed very easily. Hate= ignorance. anyways.......... Im not a good writer so decifer what you will.

That's very well put.
We Catholics must stick together.
And I simply adore you for going through the schooling and still believing!


I just thought i should explain myself.......... and you people are evil getting out of me what i believe in...... that is just wrong. anyways in no way am i trying to defend the religon being muslim. Like i posted before, the people who murdered the nuns are murderers and should be punished. but for those people out there that are muslim and are taking the heat for the radicals i am sorry but they should not be punished too. a lot of things my church has done in the past i have not been pleased with but it is a slim few who have tainted the catholic church.Radical groups are like a time bomb.... the littlest things can set them off. it is crazy and puzzling to me that people in this day and age still fight with weapons instead of talking things out. I know when i have a problem i talk about it not hold someone hostage and them tape killing them like a wakko (sp?.... I told you guys not a good writer). I just know how it feels to have a lot of people criticize my religon and it hurts your pride but........ since im not radical it just makes my beliefs a little stronger. im just gald that christian factions are not fighting amungst each other and that we can unite to conquer a common factor. I always belive that everyone is basically good it is just the devil inside that drives them CRAZY